Source code for ssbio.databases.pdb


import gzip
import json
import logging
import os.path as op
import mmtf
import os
from cobra.core import DictList
import pandas as pd
import requests
import deprecation
from Bio.PDB import PDBList
from lxml import etree
from six.moves.urllib_error import URLError
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve

import ssbio.databases.pisa as pisa
import ssbio.utils
from ssbio.protein.structure.structprop import StructProp

    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PDBProp(StructProp): """Store information about a protein structure from the Protein Data Bank. Extends the :class:`~ssbio.protein.structure.structprop.StructProp` class to allow initialization of the structure by its PDB ID, and then enabling downloads of the structure file as well as parsing its metadata. Args: ident (str): description (str): chains (str): mapped_chains (str): structure_path (str): file_type (str): ``pdb``, ``mmCif``, ``xml``, ``mmtf`` - file type for files downloaded from the PDB """ def __init__(self, ident, description=None, chains=None, mapped_chains=None, structure_path=None, file_type=None): StructProp.__init__(self, ident, description=description, chains=chains, mapped_chains=mapped_chains, is_experimental=True, structure_path=structure_path, file_type=file_type) self.experimental_method = None self.resolution = None = None self.taxonomy_name = None self.biological_assemblies = DictList() """DictList: A list for storing Bioassembly objects related to this PDB ID"""
[docs] def download_structure_file(self, outdir, file_type=None, load_header_metadata=True, force_rerun=False): """Download a structure file from the PDB, specifying an output directory and a file type. Optionally download the mmCIF header file and parse data from it to store within this object. Args: outdir (str): Path to output directory file_type (str): ``pdb``, ``mmCif``, ``xml``, ``mmtf`` - file type for files downloaded from the PDB load_header_metadata (bool): If header metadata should be loaded into this object, fastest with mmtf files force_rerun (bool): If structure file should be downloaded even if it already exists """ ssbio.utils.double_check_attribute(object=self, setter=file_type, backup_attribute='file_type', custom_error_text='Please set file type to be downloaded from the PDB: ' 'pdb, mmCif, xml, or mmtf') # XTODO: check if outfile exists using ssbio.utils.force_rerun, pdblist seems to take long if it exists # I know why - it's because we're renaming the ent to pdb. need to have mapping from file type to final extension # Then check if file exists, if not then download again p = PDBList() with ssbio.utils.suppress_stdout(): structure_file = p.retrieve_pdb_file(, pdir=outdir, file_format=file_type, overwrite=force_rerun) if not op.exists(structure_file): log.debug('{}: {} file not available'.format(, file_type)) raise URLError('{}.{}: file not available to download'.format(, file_type)) else: log.debug('{}: {} file saved'.format(, file_type)) # Rename .ent files to .pdb if file_type == 'pdb': new_name = structure_file.replace('pdb', '').replace('ent', 'pdb') os.rename(structure_file, new_name) structure_file = new_name self.load_structure_path(structure_file, file_type) if load_header_metadata and file_type == 'mmtf': self.update(parse_mmtf_header(structure_file)) if load_header_metadata and file_type != 'mmtf':
self.update(parse_mmcif_header(download_mmcif_header(, outdir=outdir, force_rerun=force_rerun))) def get_pisa_complex_predictions(self, outdir, existing_pisa_multimer_xml=None): if not existing_pisa_multimer_xml: pisa_xmls = pisa.download_pisa_multimers_xml(, outdir=outdir, save_single_xml_files=True) else: pisa_xmls = {} pisa_xmls[] = existing_pisa_multimer_xml pisa_dict = pisa.parse_pisa_multimers_xml(pisa_xmls[], download_structures=True, outdir=outdir) def __json_encode__(self): # TODO: investigate why saving with # does not work! to_return = {} for x in self.__dict__.keys(): if x == 'pdb_title' or x == 'description': sanitized = ssbio.utils.force_string(getattr(self, x)).replace('#', '-') else: to_return.update({x: getattr(self, x)})
return to_return
[docs]def parse_mmtf_header(infile): """Parse an MMTF file and return basic header-like information. Args: infile (str): Path to MMTF file Returns: dict: Dictionary of parsed header Todo: - Can this be sped up by not parsing the 3D coordinate info somehow? - OR just store the sequences when this happens since it is already being parsed. """ infodict = {} mmtf_decoder = mmtf.parse(infile) infodict['date'] = mmtf_decoder.deposition_date infodict['release_date'] = mmtf_decoder.release_date infodict['experimental_method'] = [x.decode() for x in mmtf_decoder.experimental_methods] infodict['resolution'] = mmtf_decoder.resolution infodict['description'] = mmtf_decoder.title group_name_exclude = ['HOH'] chem_comp_type_exclude = ['l-peptide linking', 'peptide linking'] chemicals = list(set([mmtf_decoder.group_list[idx]['groupName'] for idx in mmtf_decoder.group_type_list if mmtf_decoder.group_list[idx]['chemCompType'].lower() not in chem_comp_type_exclude and mmtf_decoder.group_list[idx]['groupName'] not in group_name_exclude])) infodict['chemicals'] = chemicals
return infodict
[docs]def download_mmcif_header(pdb_id, outdir='', force_rerun=False): """Download a mmCIF header file from the RCSB PDB by ID. Args: pdb_id: PDB ID outdir: Optional output directory, default is current working directory force_rerun: If the file should be downloaded again even if it exists Returns: str: Path to outfile """ # method in biopython. extra file types have not been added to biopython download yet pdb_id = pdb_id.lower() file_type = 'cif' folder = 'header' outfile = op.join(outdir, '{}.header.{}'.format(pdb_id, file_type)) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): download_link = '{}/{}.{}'.format(folder, pdb_id, file_type) urlretrieve(download_link, outfile) log.debug('{}: saved header file'.format(outfile)) else: log.debug('{}: header file already saved'.format(outfile))
return outfile
[docs]def parse_mmcif_header(infile): """Parse a couple important fields from the mmCIF file format with some manual curation of ligands. If you want full access to the mmCIF file just use the MMCIF2Dict class in Biopython. Args: infile: Path to mmCIF file Returns: dict: Dictionary of parsed header """ from Bio.PDB.MMCIF2Dict import MMCIF2Dict newdict = {} try: mmdict = MMCIF2Dict(infile) except ValueError as e: log.exception(e) return newdict chemical_ids_exclude = ['HOH'] chemical_types_exclude = ['l-peptide linking','peptide linking'] if '_struct.title' in mmdict: newdict['pdb_title'] = mmdict['_struct.title'] else: log.debug('{}: No title field'.format(infile)) if '_struct.pdbx_descriptor' in mmdict: newdict['description'] = mmdict['_struct.pdbx_descriptor'] else: log.debug('{}: no description field'.format(infile)) if '_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date' in mmdict: newdict['date'] = mmdict['_pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date'] elif '' in mmdict: newdict['date'] = mmdict[''] else: log.debug('{}: no date field'.format(infile)) if '_exptl.method' in mmdict: newdict['experimental_method'] = mmdict['_exptl.method'] else: log.debug('{}: no experimental method field'.format(infile)) # TODO: refactor how to get resolutions based on experimental method if '_refine.ls_d_res_high' in mmdict: try: if isinstance(mmdict['_refine.ls_d_res_high'], list): newdict['resolution'] = [float(x) for x in mmdict['_refine.ls_d_res_high']] else: newdict['resolution'] = float(mmdict['_refine.ls_d_res_high']) except: try: newdict['resolution'] = float(mmdict['_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution']) except: log.debug('{}: no resolution field'.format(infile)) else: log.debug('{}: no resolution field'.format(infile)) if '' in mmdict: chemicals_filtered = ssbio.utils.filter_list_by_indices(mmdict[''], ssbio.utils.not_find(mmdict['_chem_comp.type'], chemical_types_exclude, case_sensitive=False)) chemicals_fitered = ssbio.utils.filter_list(chemicals_filtered, chemical_ids_exclude, case_sensitive=True) newdict['chemicals'] = chemicals_fitered else: log.debug('{}: no chemical composition field'.format(infile)) if '_entity_src_gen.pdbx_gene_src_scientific_name' in mmdict: newdict['taxonomy_name'] = mmdict['_entity_src_gen.pdbx_gene_src_scientific_name'] else: log.debug('{}: no organism field'.format(infile))
return newdict
[docs]def download_sifts_xml(pdb_id, outdir='', force_rerun=False): """Download the SIFTS file for a PDB ID. Args: pdb_id (str): PDB ID outdir (str): Output directory, current working directory if not specified. force_rerun (bool): If the file should be downloaded again even if it exists Returns: str: Path to downloaded file """ baseURL = '' filename = '{}.xml.gz'.format(pdb_id.lower()) outfile = op.join(outdir, filename.split('.')[0] + '.sifts.xml') if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): response = urlopen(baseURL + filename) with open(outfile, 'wb') as f: f.write(gzip.decompress(
return outfile
[docs]def map_uniprot_resnum_to_pdb(uniprot_resnum, chain_id, sifts_file): """Map a UniProt residue number to its corresponding PDB residue number. This function requires that the SIFTS file be downloaded, and also a chain ID (as different chains may have different mappings). Args: uniprot_resnum (int): integer of the residue number you'd like to map chain_id (str): string of the PDB chain to map to sifts_file (str): Path to the SIFTS XML file Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: mapped_resnum (int): Mapped residue number is_observed (bool): Indicates if the 3D structure actually shows the residue """ # Load the xml with lxml parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True) tree = etree.parse(sifts_file, parser) root = tree.getroot() my_pdb_resnum = None # TODO: "Engineered_Mutation is also a possible annotation, need to figure out what to do with that my_pdb_annotation = False # Find the right chain (entities in the xml doc) ent = './/{}entity' for chain in root.findall(ent): # TODO: IMPORTANT - entityId is not the chain ID!!! it is just in alphabetical order! if chain.attrib['entityId'] == chain_id: # Find the "crossRefDb" tag that has the attributes dbSource="UniProt" and dbResNum="your_resnum_here" # Then match it to the crossRefDb dbResNum that has the attribute dbSource="PDBresnum" # Check if uniprot + resnum even exists in the sifts file (it won't if the pdb doesn't contain the residue) ures = './/{}crossRefDb[@dbSource="UniProt"][@dbResNum="%s"]' % uniprot_resnum my_uniprot_residue = chain.findall(ures) if len(my_uniprot_residue) == 1: # Get crossRefDb dbSource="PDB" parent = my_uniprot_residue[0].getparent() pres = './/{}crossRefDb[@dbSource="PDB"]' my_pdb_residue = parent.findall(pres) my_pdb_resnum = int(my_pdb_residue[0].attrib['dbResNum']) # Get <residueDetail dbSource="PDBe" property="Annotation"> # Will be Not_Observed if it is not seen in the PDB anno = './/{}residueDetail[@dbSource="PDBe"][@property="Annotation"]' my_pdb_annotation = parent.findall(anno) if len(my_pdb_annotation) == 1: my_pdb_annotation = my_pdb_annotation[0].text if my_pdb_annotation == 'Not_Observed': my_pdb_annotation = False else: my_pdb_annotation = True else: return None, False
return my_pdb_resnum, my_pdb_annotation
[docs]def best_structures(uniprot_id, outname=None, outdir=None, seq_ident_cutoff=0.0, force_rerun=False): """Use the PDBe REST service to query for the best PDB structures for a UniProt ID. More information found here: Link used to retrieve results: The list of PDB structures mapping to a UniProt accession sorted by coverage of the protein and, if the same, resolution. Here is the ranking algorithm described by the PDB paper: "Finally, a single quality indicator is also calculated for each entry by taking the harmonic average of all the percentile scores representing model and model-data-fit quality measures and then subtracting 10 times the numerical value of the resolution (in Angstrom) of the entry to ensure that resolution plays a role in characterising the quality of a structure. This single empirical 'quality measure' value is used by the PDBe query system to sort results and identify the 'best' structure in a given context. At present, entries determined by methods other than X-ray crystallography do not have similar data quality information available and are not considered as 'best structures'." Args: uniprot_id (str): UniProt Accession ID outname (str): Basename of the output file of JSON results outdir (str): Path to output directory of JSON results seq_ident_cutoff (float): Cutoff results based on percent coverage (in decimal form) force_rerun (bool): Obtain best structures mapping ignoring previously downloaded results Returns: list: Rank-ordered list of dictionaries representing chain-specific PDB entries. Keys are: * pdb_id: the PDB ID which maps to the UniProt ID * chain_id: the specific chain of the PDB which maps to the UniProt ID * coverage: the percent coverage of the entire UniProt sequence * resolution: the resolution of the structure * start: the structure residue number which maps to the start of the mapped sequence * end: the structure residue number which maps to the end of the mapped sequence * unp_start: the sequence residue number which maps to the structure start * unp_end: the sequence residue number which maps to the structure end * experimental_method: type of experiment used to determine structure * tax_id: taxonomic ID of the protein's original organism """ outfile = '' if not outdir: outdir = '' # if output dir is specified but not outname, use the uniprot if not outname and outdir: outname = uniprot_id if outname: outname = op.join(outdir, outname) outfile = '{}.json'.format(outname) # Load a possibly existing json file if not ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): with open(outfile, 'r') as f: raw_data = json.load(f) log.debug('{}: loaded existing json file'.format(uniprot_id)) # Otherwise run the web request else: # TODO: add a checker for a cached file of uniprot -> PDBs - can be generated within gempro pipeline and stored response = requests.get('{}'.format(uniprot_id), data={'key': 'value'}) if response.status_code == 404: log.debug('{}: 404 returned, probably no structures available.'.format(uniprot_id)) raw_data = {uniprot_id: {}} else: log.debug('{}: Obtained best structures'.format(uniprot_id)) raw_data = response.json() # Write the json file if specified if outfile: with open(outfile, 'w') as f: json.dump(raw_data, f) log.debug('{}: Saved json file of best structures'.format(uniprot_id)) data = dict(raw_data)[uniprot_id] # Filter for sequence identity percentage if seq_ident_cutoff != 0: for result in data: if result['coverage'] < seq_ident_cutoff: data.remove(result)
return data
[docs]def blast_pdb(seq, outfile='', outdir='', evalue=0.0001, seq_ident_cutoff=0.0, link=False, force_rerun=False): """Returns a list of BLAST hits of a sequence to available structures in the PDB. Args: seq (str): Your sequence, in string format outfile (str): Name of output file outdir (str, optional): Path to output directory. Default is the current directory. evalue (float, optional): Cutoff for the E-value - filters for significant hits. 0.001 is liberal, 0.0001 is stringent (default). seq_ident_cutoff (float, optional): Cutoff results based on percent coverage (in decimal form) link (bool, optional): Set to True if a link to the HTML results should be displayed force_rerun (bool, optional): If existing BLAST results should not be used, set to True. Default is False Returns: list: Rank ordered list of BLAST hits in dictionaries. """ if len(seq) < 12: raise ValueError('Sequence must be at least 12 residues long.') if link: page = 'PDB results page:{}&eCutOff={}&maskLowComplexity=yes&matrix=BLOSUM62&outputFormat=HTML'.format(seq, evalue) print(page) parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True) outfile = op.join(outdir, outfile) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(force_rerun, outfile): # Load the BLAST XML results if force_rerun=True page = '{}&eCutOff={}&maskLowComplexity=yes&matrix=BLOSUM62&outputFormat=XML'.format( seq, evalue) req = requests.get(page) if req.status_code == 200: response = req.text # Save the XML file if outfile: with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(response) # Parse the XML string tree = etree.ElementTree(etree.fromstring(response, parser)) log.debug('Loaded BLAST results from REST server') else: log.error('BLAST request timed out') return [] else: tree = etree.parse(outfile, parser) log.debug('{}: Loaded existing BLAST XML results'.format(outfile)) # Get length of original sequence to calculate percentages len_orig = float(len(seq)) root = tree.getroot() hit_list = [] for hit in root.findall('BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit'): info = {} hitdef = hit.find('Hit_def') if hitdef is not None: info['hit_pdb'] = hitdef.text.split('|')[0].split(':')[0].lower() info['hit_pdb_chains'] = hitdef.text.split('|')[0].split(':')[2].split(',') # One PDB can align to different parts of the sequence # Will just choose the top hit for this single PDB hsp = hit.findall('Hit_hsps/Hsp')[0] # Number of identical residues hspi = hsp.find('Hsp_identity') if hspi is not None: info['hit_num_ident'] = int(hspi.text) info['hit_percent_ident'] = int(hspi.text)/len_orig if int(hspi.text)/len_orig < seq_ident_cutoff: log.debug('{}: does not meet sequence identity cutoff'.format(hitdef.text.split('|')[0].split(':')[0])) continue # Number of similar residues (positive hits) hspp = hsp.find('Hsp_positive') if hspp is not None: info['hit_num_similar'] = int(hspp.text) info['hit_percent_similar'] = int(hspp.text) / len_orig # Total number of gaps (unable to align in either query or subject) hspg = hsp.find('Hsp_gaps') if hspg is not None: info['hit_num_gaps'] = int(hspg.text) info['hit_percent_gaps'] = int(hspg.text) / len_orig # E-value of BLAST hspe = hsp.find('Hsp_evalue') if hspe is not None: info['hit_evalue'] = float(hspe.text) # Score of BLAST hsps = hsp.find('Hsp_score') if hsps is not None: info['hit_score'] = float(hsps.text) hit_list.append(info) log.debug("{}: Number of BLAST hits".format(len(hit_list)))
return hit_list
[docs]def blast_pdb_df(blast_results): """Make a dataframe of BLAST results""" cols = ['hit_pdb', 'hit_pdb_chains', 'hit_evalue', 'hit_score', 'hit_num_ident', 'hit_percent_ident', 'hit_num_similar', 'hit_percent_similar', 'hit_num_gaps', 'hit_percent_gaps']
return pd.DataFrame.from_records(blast_results, columns=cols) def _property_table(): """Download the PDB -> resolution table directly from the RCSB PDB REST service. See the other fields that you can get here: Returns: Pandas DataFrame: table of structureId as the index, resolution and experimentalTechnique as the columns """ url = '*&customReportColumns=structureId,resolution,experimentalTechnique,releaseDate&service=wsfile&format=csv' r = requests.get(url) p = pd.read_csv(StringIO(r.text)).set_index('structureId') return p
[docs]def get_resolution(pdb_id): """Quick way to get the resolution of a PDB ID using the table of results from the REST service Returns infinity if the resolution is not available. Returns: float: resolution of a PDB ID in Angstroms TODO: - Unit test """ pdb_id = pdb_id.upper() if pdb_id not in _property_table().index: raise ValueError('PDB ID not in property table') else: resolution = _property_table().ix[pdb_id, 'resolution'] if pd.isnull(resolution): log.debug('{}: no resolution available, probably not an X-ray crystal structure') resolution = float('inf')
return resolution
[docs]def get_release_date(pdb_id): """Quick way to get the release date of a PDB ID using the table of results from the REST service Returns None if the release date is not available. Returns: str: Organism of a PDB ID """ pdb_id = pdb_id.upper() if pdb_id not in _property_table().index: raise ValueError('PDB ID not in property table') else: release_date = _property_table().ix[pdb_id, 'releaseDate'] if pd.isnull(release_date): log.debug('{}: no release date available') release_date = None
return release_date
[docs]def get_num_bioassemblies(pdb_id, cache=False, outdir=None, force_rerun=False): """Check if there are bioassemblies using the PDB REST API, and if there are, get the number of bioassemblies available. See:, section 'List biological assemblies' Not all PDB entries have biological assemblies available and some have multiple. Details that are necessary to recreate a biological assembly from the asymmetric unit can be accessed from the following requests. - Number of biological assemblies associated with a PDB entry - Access the transformation information needed to generate a biological assembly (nr=0 will return information for the asymmetric unit, nr=1 will return information for the first assembly, etc.) A query of returns this:: <nrBioAssemblies structureId="1HV4" hasAssemblies="true" count="2"/> Args: pdb_id (str): PDB ID cache (bool): If the XML file should be downloaded outdir (str): If cache, then specify the output directory force_rerun (bool): If cache, and if file exists, specify if API should be queried again """ parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True) if not outdir: outdir = os.getcwd() outfile = op.join(outdir, '{}_nrbiomols.xml'.format(pdb_id)) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(force_rerun, outfile): page = '{}'.format(pdb_id) req = requests.get(page) if req.status_code == 200: response = req.text # Save the XML file if cache: with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(response) # Parse the XML string tree = etree.ElementTree(etree.fromstring(response, parser)) log.debug('Loaded bioassembly information from REST server') else: log.error('Request timed out') req.raise_for_status() else: tree = etree.parse(outfile, parser) log.debug('{}: Loaded existing XML results'.format(outfile)) r = tree.getroot() has_biomols = r.get('hasAssemblies') if has_biomols == 'true': has_biomols = True else: has_biomols = False if has_biomols: num_biomols = r.get('count') else: num_biomols = 0 num_biomols = int(num_biomols)
return num_biomols
[docs]def get_bioassembly_info(pdb_id, biomol_num, cache=False, outdir=None, force_rerun=False): """Get metadata about a bioassembly from the RCSB PDB's REST API. See: The API returns an XML file containing the information on a biological assembly that looks like this:: <bioassembly structureId="1HV4" assemblyNr="1" method="PISA" desc="author_and_software_defined_assembly"> <transformations operator="1" chainIds="A,B,C,D"> <transformation index="1"> <matrix m11="1.00000000" m12="0.00000000" m13="0.00000000" m21="0.00000000" m22="1.00000000" m23="0.00000000" m31="0.00000000" m32="0.00000000" m33="1.00000000"/> <shift v1="0.00000000" v2="0.00000000" v3="0.00000000"/> </transformation> </transformations> </bioassembly> Args: pdb_id (str): PDB ID biomol_num (int): Biological assembly number you are interested in cache (bool): If the XML file should be downloaded outdir (str): If cache, then specify the output directory force_rerun (bool): If cache, and if file exists, specify if API should be queried again """
parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True) # # if not outdir: # outdir = os.getcwd() # outfile = op.join(outdir, '{}.xml'.format( # # if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(force_rerun, outfile): # page = '{}&nr={}'.format( # self.original_pdb_id, biomol_num) # req = requests.get(page) # # if req.status_code == 200: # response = req.text # # # Save the XML file # if cache: # with open(outfile, 'w') as f: # f.write(response) # # # Parse the XML string # r = xmltodict.parse(response) # log.debug('Loaded bioassembly information from REST server') # else: # log.error('Request timed out') # req.raise_for_status() # else: # with open(outfile, 'r') as f: # r = xmltodict.parse( # log.debug('{}: Loaded existing XML results'.format(outfile)) # # self.biomol_to_chain_dict[biomol_num] = {'chains': r['bioassembly']['transformations']['@chainIds'], # 'multiplier': len(r['bioassembly']['transformations']['transformation'])} # # TODO: figure out how to store matrices etc. # #'{}_{}: ') def download_biomol(pdb_id, biomol_num, outdir, file_type='pdb', force_rerun=False): import zlib from six.moves.urllib_error import URLError from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve import contextlib ssbio.utils.make_dir(outdir) server_folder = pdb_id[1:3] if file_type == 'pdb': # server = '{}/'.format(server_folder) server = '' server_filename = pdb_id + '.pdb%i.gz' % biomol_num local_filename = pdb_id + '_bio%i.pdb' % biomol_num outfile = op.join(outdir, local_filename) elif file_type.lower() == 'mmcif' or file_type.lower() == 'cif': server = '{}/'.format(server_folder) server_filename = pdb_id + '-assembly%i.cif.gz' % biomol_num local_filename = pdb_id + '_bio%i.cif' % biomol_num outfile = op.join(outdir, local_filename) else: raise ValueError('Biological assembly only available in PDB or mmCIF file types.') if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): download_link = op.join(server, server_filename) try: with contextlib.closing(urlopen(download_link)) as f: decompressed_data = zlib.decompress(, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) with open(op.join(outdir, local_filename), 'wb') as f: f.write(decompressed_data) except URLError as e: print(e) return None return outfile ######################################################################################################################## ######################################################################################################################## # DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS ######################################################################################################################## ########################################################################################################################
[docs]@deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="1.0", removed_in="2.0", details="Use Biopython's PDBList.retrieve_pdb_file function instead") def download_structure(pdb_id, file_type, outdir='', only_header=False, force_rerun=False): """Download a structure from the RCSB PDB by ID. Specify the file type desired. Args: pdb_id: PDB ID file_type: pdb, pdb.gz, mmcif, cif, cif.gz, xml.gz, mmtf, mmtf.gz outdir: Optional output directory only_header: If only the header file should be downloaded force_rerun: If the file should be downloaded again even if it exists Returns: str: Path to outfile """ # method in biopython. extra file types have not been added to biopython download yet pdb_id = pdb_id.lower() file_type = file_type.lower() file_types = ['pdb', 'pdb.gz', 'mmcif', 'cif', 'cif.gz', 'xml.gz', 'mmtf', 'mmtf.gz'] if file_type not in file_types: raise ValueError('Invalid file type, must be either: pdb, pdb.gz, cif, cif.gz, xml.gz, mmtf, mmtf.gz') if file_type == 'mmtf': file_type = 'mmtf.gz' if file_type.endswith('.gz'): gzipped = True else: gzipped = False if file_type == 'mmcif': file_type = 'cif' if only_header: folder = 'header' outfile = op.join(outdir, '{}.header.{}'.format(pdb_id, file_type)) else: folder = 'download' outfile = op.join(outdir, '{}.{}'.format(pdb_id, file_type)) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): if file_type == 'mmtf.gz' or file_type == 'mmtf': mmtf_api = '1.0' download_link = '{}/full/{}.mmtf.gz'.format(mmtf_api, pdb_id) else: download_link = '{}/{}.{}'.format(folder, pdb_id, file_type) urlretrieve(download_link, outfile) if gzipped: outfile = ssbio.utils.gunzip_file(infile=outfile, outfile=outfile.strip('.gz'), outdir=outdir, delete_original=False, force_rerun_flag=force_rerun) log.debug('{}: saved structure file'.format(outfile)) else: if file_type == 'mmtf.gz': outfile = op.join(outdir, '{}.{}'.format(pdb_id, 'mmtf')) log.debug('{}: structure file already saved'.format(outfile))
return outfile