Source code for ssbio.databases.uniprot


import os.path as op
import re
import warnings
import bioservices
import pandas as pd
import requests
from collections import defaultdict
from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
import ssbio.utils
from BCBio import GFF
from ssbio.protein.sequence.seqprop import SeqProp

    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlretrieve
from Bio import SeqIO

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
bsup = bioservices.uniprot.UniProt()

# See the UniProt XML specification for these
# Also see for categories
longname_all_features = ["active site", "binding site", "calcium-binding region", "chain", "coiled-coil region",
                         "compositionally biased region", "cross-link", "disulfide bond", "DNA-binding region",
                         "domain", "glycosylation site", "helix", "initiator methionine", "lipid moiety-binding region",
                         "metal ion-binding site", "modified residue", "mutagenesis site", "non-consecutive residues",
                         "non-terminal residue", "nucleotide phosphate-binding region", "peptide", "propeptide",
                         "region of interest", "repeat", "non-standard amino acid", "sequence conflict",
                         "sequence variant", "short sequence motif", "signal peptide", "site", "splice variant",
                         "strand", "topological domain", "transit peptide", "transmembrane region", "turn",
                         "unsure residue", "zinc finger region", "intramembrane region"]
longname_molecule_processing = ["initiator methionine", "signal peptide", "transit peptide", "propeptide", "chain",
longname_regions = ['repeat','calcium-binding region','compositionally biased region','nucleotide phosphate-binding region',
                    'topological domain','intramembrane region','coiled-coil region','zinc finger region','domain',
                    'short sequence motif','DNA-binding region','region of interest','transmembrane region']
longname_sites = ["active site", "binding site", "metal ion-binding site", "site"]
longname_amino_acid_modifications = ["non-standard amino acid", "modified residue", "lipid moiety-binding region",
                                     "glycosylation site", "disulfide bond", "cross-link"]
longname_natural_variations = ["sequence variant", "splice variant"]
longname_experimental_info = ["mutagenesis site", "unsure residue", "sequence conflict", "non-consecutive residues",
                              "non-terminal residue"]
longname_secondary_structure = ["helix", "turn", "strand"]

[docs]class UniProtProp(SeqProp): """Generic class to store information on a UniProt entry, extended from a SeqProp object. The main utilities of this class are to: #. Download and/or parse UniProt text or xml files #. Store extra parsed information in attributes Attributes: uniprot (str): Main UniProt accession code alt_uniprots (list): Alternate accession codes that point to the main one file_type (str): Metadata file type reviewed (bool): If this entry is a "reviewed" entry. If None, then status is unknown. ec_number (str): EC number pfam (list): PFAM IDs entry_version (str): Date of last update of the UniProt entry seq_version (str): Date of last update of the UniProt sequence """ def __init__(self, seq, id, name='<unknown name>', description='<unknown description>', fasta_path=None, xml_path=None, gff_path=None): """Store basic protein sequence properties from a UniProt ID/ACC. One or all of the input files can be provided - you might ask why even provide the FASTA if the XML has the sequence in it? The FASTA file can be used in alignment programs run locally. Args: seq (str, Seq, SeqRecord): Sequence string, Biopython Seq or SeqRecord object id (str): UniProt ID/ACC fasta_path (str): Path to FASTA file xml_path (str): Path to UniProt XML file gff_path (str): Path to GFF feature file """ if not is_valid_uniprot_id(id): raise ValueError("{}: invalid UniProt ID!".format(id)) self.reviewed = False self.alt_uniprots = None self.taxonomy = None self.seq_version = None self.seq_date = None self.entry_version = None self.entry_date = None SeqProp.__init__(self, id=id, seq=seq, name=name, description=description, sequence_path=fasta_path, metadata_path=xml_path, feature_path=gff_path) self.uniprot = id @SeqProp.seq.getter def seq(self): """Seq: Get the Seq object from the sequence file, metadata file, or in memory""" if self.sequence_file: log.debug('{}: reading sequence from sequence file {}'.format(, self.sequence_path)) tmp_sr =, 'fasta') return tmp_sr.seq elif self.metadata_file: log.debug('{}: reading sequence from metadata file {}'.format(, self.metadata_path)) tmp_sr =, 'uniprot-xml') return tmp_sr.seq else: if not self._seq: log.debug('{}: no sequence stored in memory'.format( else: log.debug('{}: reading sequence from memory'.format( return self._seq @SeqProp.features.getter def features(self): """list: Get the features from the feature file, metadata file, or in memory""" if self.feature_file: log.debug('{}: reading features from feature file {}'.format(, self.feature_path)) with open(self.feature_path) as handle: feats = list(GFF.parse(handle)) if len(feats) > 1: log.warning('Too many sequences in GFF') else: return feats[0].features elif self.metadata_file: log.debug('{}: reading features from metadata file {}'.format(, self.metadata_path)) tmp_sr =, 'uniprot-xml') return tmp_sr.features else: return self._features @SeqProp.metadata_path.setter def metadata_path(self, m_path): """Provide pointers to the paths of the metadata file Args: m_path: Path to metadata file """ if not m_path: self.metadata_dir = None self.metadata_file = None else: if not op.exists(m_path): raise OSError('{}: file does not exist!'.format(m_path)) if not op.dirname(m_path): self.metadata_dir = '.' else: self.metadata_dir = op.dirname(m_path) self.metadata_file = op.basename(m_path) # Parse the metadata file using Biopython's built in SeqRecord parser # Just updating IDs and stuff tmp_sr =, 'uniprot-xml') parsed = parse_uniprot_xml_metadata(tmp_sr) self.update(parsed, overwrite=True)
[docs] def metadata_path_unset(self): """Copy features to memory and remove the association of the metadata file.""" if not self.metadata_file: raise IOError('No metadata file to unset') log.debug('{}: reading from metadata file {}'.format(, self.metadata_path)) tmp_sr =, 'uniprot-xml') tmp_feats = tmp_sr.features # TODO: should this be in separate unset functions? self.metadata_dir = None self.metadata_file = None self.features = tmp_feats if self.sequence_file: tmp_sr = tmp_sr.seq self.sequence_dir = None self.sequence_file = None
self.seq = tmp_sr
[docs] def download_seq_file(self, outdir, force_rerun=False): """Download and load the UniProt FASTA file""" uniprot_fasta_file = download_uniprot_file(, filetype='fasta', outdir=outdir, force_rerun=force_rerun)
self.sequence_path = uniprot_fasta_file
[docs] def download_metadata_file(self, outdir, force_rerun=False): """Download and load the UniProt XML file""" uniprot_xml_file = download_uniprot_file(, outdir=outdir, filetype='xml', force_rerun=force_rerun)
self.metadata_path = uniprot_xml_file
[docs] def ranking_score(self): """Provide a score for this UniProt ID based on reviewed (True=1, False=0) + number of PDBs Returns: int: Scoring for this ID """
return self.reviewed + self.num_pdbs def __json_encode__(self): # TODO: investigate why saving with # does not work! # Recon3D problem genes: testers = ['1588.2', '6819.1', '27233.1', '2264.1'] to_return = {} for x in self.__dict__.keys(): if x == 'description': sanitized = ssbio.utils.force_string(getattr(self, x)).replace('#', '-') to_return.update({x: getattr(self, x)}) else: to_return.update({x: getattr(self, x)})
return to_return
[docs]def parse_uniprot_xml_metadata(sr): """Load relevant attributes and dbxrefs from a parsed UniProt XML file in a SeqRecord. Returns: dict: All parsed information """ # TODO: What about "reviewed" status? and EC number xref_dbs_to_keep = ['GO', 'KEGG', 'PDB', 'PROSITE', 'Pfam', 'RefSeq'] infodict = {} infodict['alt_uniprots'] = list(set(sr.annotations['accessions']).difference([])) infodict['gene_name'] = None if 'gene_name_primary' in sr.annotations: infodict['gene_name'] = sr.annotations['gene_name_primary'] infodict['description'] = sr.description infodict['taxonomy'] = None if 'organism' in sr.annotations: infodict['taxonomy'] = sr.annotations['organism'] infodict['seq_version'] = sr.annotations['sequence_version'] infodict['seq_date'] = sr.annotations['sequence_modified'] infodict['entry_version'] = sr.annotations['version'] infodict['entry_date'] = sr.annotations['modified'] tmp = defaultdict(list) for xref in sr.dbxrefs: database = xref.split(':', 1)[0] xrefs = xref.split(':', 1)[-1] if database in xref_dbs_to_keep: if database == 'PDB': tmp['pdbs'].append(xrefs) else: tmp[database.lower()].append(xrefs) infodict.update(tmp)
return infodict
[docs]def is_valid_uniprot_id(instring): """Check if a string is a valid UniProt ID. See regex from: Args: instring: any string identifier Returns: True if the string is a valid UniProt ID """ valid_id = re.compile("[OPQ][0-9][A-Z0-9]{3}[0-9]|[A-NR-Z][0-9]([A-Z][A-Z0-9]{2}[0-9]){1,2}") if valid_id.match(str(instring)): return True else:
return False # TODO: method to blast UniProt to find a 100% sequence match
[docs]def blast_uniprot(seq_str, seq_ident=1, evalue=0.0001, reviewed_only=True, organism=None): """BLAST the UniProt db to find what IDs match the sequence input Args: seq_str: Sequence string seq_ident: Percent identity to match evalue: E-value of BLAST hit Returns: """
[docs]def get_fasta(uniprot_id): """Get the protein sequence for a UniProt ID as a string. Args: uniprot_id: Valid UniProt ID Returns: str: String of the protein (amino acid) sequence """ # Silencing the "Will be moved to Biokit" message with ssbio.utils.suppress_stdout():
return bsup.get_fasta_sequence(uniprot_id)
[docs]def uniprot_reviewed_checker(uniprot_id): """Check if a single UniProt ID is reviewed or not. Args: uniprot_id: Returns: bool: If the entry is reviewed """ query_string = 'id:' + uniprot_id uni_rev_raw = StringIO(, columns='id,reviewed', frmt='tab')) uni_rev_df = pd.read_table(uni_rev_raw, sep='\t', index_col=0) uni_rev_df = uni_rev_df.fillna(False) uni_rev_df = uni_rev_df[pd.notnull(uni_rev_df.Status)] uni_rev_df = uni_rev_df.replace(to_replace="reviewed", value=True) uni_rev_df = uni_rev_df.replace(to_replace="unreviewed", value=False) uni_rev_dict_adder = uni_rev_df.to_dict()['Status']
return uni_rev_dict_adder[uniprot_id]
[docs]def uniprot_reviewed_checker_batch(uniprot_ids): """Batch check if uniprot IDs are reviewed or not Args: uniprot_ids: UniProt ID or list of UniProt IDs Returns: A dictionary of {UniProtID: Boolean} """ uniprot_ids = ssbio.utils.force_list(uniprot_ids) invalid_ids = [i for i in uniprot_ids if not is_valid_uniprot_id(i)] uniprot_ids = [i for i in uniprot_ids if is_valid_uniprot_id(i)] if invalid_ids: warnings.warn("Invalid UniProt IDs {} will be ignored".format(invalid_ids)) # splitting query up into managable sizes (200 IDs each) Nmax = 200 N, rest = divmod(len(uniprot_ids), Nmax) uni_rev_dict = {} if rest > 0: N += 1 for i in range(0, N): i1 = i * Nmax i2 = (i + 1) * Nmax if i2 > len(uniprot_ids): i2 = len(uniprot_ids) query = uniprot_ids[i1:i2] query_string = '' for x in query: query_string += 'id:' + x + '+OR+' query_string = query_string.strip('+OR+') uni_rev_raw = StringIO(, columns='id,reviewed', frmt='tab')) uni_rev_df = pd.read_table(uni_rev_raw, sep='\t', index_col=0) uni_rev_df = uni_rev_df.fillna(False) # no_metadata = uni_rev_df[pd.isnull(uni_rev_df.Status)].index.tolist() # if no_metadata: # warnings.warn("Unable to retrieve metadata for {}.".format(no_metadata)) uni_rev_df = uni_rev_df[pd.notnull(uni_rev_df.Status)] uni_rev_df = uni_rev_df.replace(to_replace="reviewed", value=True) uni_rev_df = uni_rev_df.replace(to_replace="unreviewed", value=False) uni_rev_dict_adder = uni_rev_df.to_dict()['Status'] uni_rev_dict.update(uni_rev_dict_adder)
return uni_rev_dict
[docs]def uniprot_ec(uniprot_id): """Retrieve the EC number annotation for a UniProt ID. Args: uniprot_id: Valid UniProt ID Returns: """ r ='' % uniprot_id) ec = r.content.decode('utf-8').splitlines()[1] if len(ec) == 0: ec = None
return ec
[docs]def uniprot_sites(uniprot_id): """Retrieve a list of UniProt sites parsed from the feature file Sites are defined here: and here: Args: uniprot_id: Valid UniProt ID Returns: """ r ='' % uniprot_id) gff = StringIO(r.content.decode('utf-8')) feats = list(GFF.parse(gff)) if len(feats) > 1: log.warning('Too many sequences in GFF') else:
return feats[0].features # try: # gff_df = pd.read_table(gff, sep='\t', skiprows=2, header=None) # except ValueError as e: # log.error('Error retrieving feature table') # print(e) # return pd.DataFrame() # # gff_df.drop([0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 9], axis=1, inplace=True) # gff_df.columns = ['type', 'seq_start', 'seq_end', 'notes'] # # return gff_df
[docs]def download_uniprot_file(uniprot_id, filetype, outdir='', force_rerun=False): """Download a UniProt file for a UniProt ID/ACC Args: uniprot_id: Valid UniProt ID filetype: txt, fasta, xml, rdf, or gff outdir: Directory to download the file Returns: str: Absolute path to file """ my_file = '{}.{}'.format(uniprot_id, filetype) url = '{}'.format(my_file) outfile = op.join(outdir, my_file) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): urlretrieve(url, outfile)
return outfile
[docs]def parse_uniprot_txt_file(infile): """Parse a raw UniProt metadata file and return a dictionary. Args: infile: Path to metadata file Returns: dict: Metadata dictionary """ uniprot_metadata_dict = {} metadata = old_parse_uniprot_txt_file(infile) metadata_keys = list(metadata.keys()) if metadata_keys: metadata_key = metadata_keys[0] else: return uniprot_metadata_dict uniprot_metadata_dict['seq_len'] = len(str(metadata[metadata_key]['sequence'])) uniprot_metadata_dict['reviewed'] = metadata[metadata_key]['is_reviewed'] uniprot_metadata_dict['seq_version'] = metadata[metadata_key]['sequence_version'] uniprot_metadata_dict['entry_version'] = metadata[metadata_key]['entry_version'] if 'gene' in metadata[metadata_key]: uniprot_metadata_dict['gene_name'] = metadata[metadata_key]['gene'] if 'description' in metadata[metadata_key]: uniprot_metadata_dict['description'] = metadata[metadata_key]['description'] if 'refseq' in metadata[metadata_key]: uniprot_metadata_dict['refseq'] = metadata[metadata_key]['refseq'] if 'kegg' in metadata[metadata_key]: uniprot_metadata_dict['kegg'] = metadata[metadata_key]['kegg'] if 'ec' in metadata[metadata_key]: uniprot_metadata_dict['ec_number'] = metadata[metadata_key]['ec'] if 'pfam' in metadata[metadata_key]: uniprot_metadata_dict['pfam'] = metadata[metadata_key]['pfam'] if 'pdbs' in metadata[metadata_key]: uniprot_metadata_dict['pdbs'] = list(set(metadata[metadata_key]['pdbs']))
return uniprot_metadata_dict
[docs]def old_parse_uniprot_txt_file(infile): """From: boscoh/uniprot github Parses the text of metadata retrieved from Only a few fields have been parsed, but this provides a template for the other fields. A single description is generated from joining alternative descriptions. Returns a dictionary with the main UNIPROT ACC as keys. """ with open(infile, 'r') as txt: cache_txt = tag = None uniprot_id = None metadata_by_seqid = {} for l in cache_txt.splitlines(): test_tag = l[:5].strip() if test_tag and test_tag != tag: tag = test_tag line = l[5:].strip() words = line.split() if tag == "ID": uniprot_id = words[0] is_reviewed = words[1].startswith('Reviewed') length = int(words[2]) metadata_by_seqid[uniprot_id] = { 'id': uniprot_id, 'is_reviewed': is_reviewed, 'length': length, 'sequence': '', 'accs': [], } entry = metadata_by_seqid[uniprot_id] if tag == "DT": # DT 01-OCT-1996, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot. # DT 17-OCT-2006, sequence version 3. # DT 22-JUL-2015, entry version 166. comma_split = line.split(',') if 'sequence version' in comma_split[1]: # print 'sequence_version', comma_split[0], # dateparse(comma_split[0]).date() entry['sequence_version'] = str( dateparse(comma_split[0]).date()) elif 'entry version' in comma_split[1]: # print 'entry_version', comma_split[0], # dateparse(comma_split[0]).date() entry['entry_version'] = str( dateparse(comma_split[0]).date()) if tag == "SQ": if words[0] != "SEQUENCE": entry['sequence'] += ''.join(words) if tag == "AC": accs = [w.replace(";", "") for w in words] entry['accs'].extend(accs) if tag == "DR": if len(words) > 0: if 'PDB' in words[0]: if 'pdb' not in entry: entry['pdb'] = words[1][:-1] if 'pdbs' not in entry: entry['pdbs'] = [] entry['pdbs'].append(words[1][:-1]) if 'RefSeq' in words[0]: if 'refseq' not in entry: entry['refseq'] = [] ids = [w[:-1] for w in words[1:]] entry['refseq'].extend(ids) if 'KEGG' in words[0]: if 'kegg' not in entry: entry['kegg'] = [] ids = [w[:-1] for w in words[1:]] ids = filter(lambda w: len(w) > 1, ids) entry['kegg'].extend(ids) if 'GO' in words[0]: if 'go' not in entry: entry['go'] = [] entry['go'].append(' '.join(words[1:])) if 'Pfam' in words[0]: if 'pfam' not in entry: entry['pfam'] = [] entry['pfam'].append(words[1][:-1]) if tag == "GN": if 'gene' not in entry and len(words) > 0: pieces = words[0].split("=") if len(pieces) > 1 and 'name' in pieces[0].lower(): entry['gene'] = pieces[1].replace( ';', '').replace(',', '') if tag == "OS": # OS Homo sapiens (Human). if 'organism' not in entry: entry['organism'] = "" entry['organism'] += line if tag == "DE": if 'descriptions' not in entry: entry['descriptions'] = [] entry['descriptions'].append(line) if tag == "CC": if 'comment' not in entry: entry['comment'] = '' entry['comment'] += line + '\n' for entry in metadata_by_seqid.values(): descriptions = entry['descriptions'] for i in reversed(range(len(descriptions))): description = descriptions[i] if 'Short' in description or 'Full' in description or 'EC=' in description: if 'Short' in description or 'Full' in description: j = description.find('=') descriptions[i] = description[j + 1:].replace(';', '') if 'description' not in entry: entry['description'] = [] entry['description'].append(descriptions[i]) if 'EC=' in description: j = description.find('=') descriptions[i] = description[j + 1:].replace(';', '') if '{' in descriptions[i]: descriptions[i] = descriptions[i].split(' {')[0] if 'ec' not in entry: entry['ec'] = [] entry['ec'].append(descriptions[i]) else: del descriptions[i]
return metadata_by_seqid