Source code for ssbio.databases.kegg


import io
import logging
import os.path as op
from collections import defaultdict

from bioservices import KEGG
from slugify import Slugify

import ssbio.utils
from ssbio.protein.sequence.seqprop import SeqProp

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
custom_slugify = Slugify(safe_chars='-_')
bs_kegg = KEGG()

[docs]class KEGGProp(SeqProp): def __init__(self, seq, id, fasta_path=None, txt_path=None, gff_path=None): SeqProp.__init__(self, seq=seq, id=id, sequence_path=fasta_path, metadata_path=txt_path, feature_path=gff_path) self.kegg = id @SeqProp.metadata_path.setter def metadata_path(self, m_path): """Provide pointers to the paths of the metadata file Args: m_path: Path to metadata file """ if not m_path: self.metadata_dir = None self.metadata_file = None else: if not op.exists(m_path): raise OSError('{}: file does not exist!'.format(m_path)) if not op.dirname(m_path): self.metadata_dir = '.' else: self.metadata_dir = op.dirname(m_path) self.metadata_file = op.basename(m_path) # TODO: update using Biopython's built in SeqRecord parser # Just updating IDs and stuff self.update(parse_kegg_gene_metadata(self.metadata_path), overwrite=True) def download_seq_file(self, outdir, force_rerun=False): kegg_seq_file = download_kegg_aa_seq(, outdir=outdir, force_rerun=force_rerun) if kegg_seq_file: self.sequence_path = kegg_seq_file else: log.warning('{}: no sequence file available'.format( def download_metadata_file(self, outdir, force_rerun=False): kegg_metadata_file = download_kegg_gene_metadata(, outdir=outdir, force_rerun=force_rerun) if kegg_metadata_file: self.metadata_path = kegg_metadata_file else:
log.warning('{}: no metadata file available'.format(
[docs]def download_kegg_gene_metadata(gene_id, outdir=None, force_rerun=False): """Download the KEGG flatfile for a KEGG ID and return the path. Args: gene_id: KEGG gene ID (with organism code), i.e. "eco:1244" outdir: optional output directory of metadata Returns: Path to metadata file """ if not outdir: outdir = '' # Replace colon with dash in the KEGG gene ID outfile = op.join(outdir, '{}.kegg'.format(custom_slugify(gene_id))) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): raw_text = bs_kegg.get("{}".format(gene_id)) if raw_text == 404: return with, mode='wt', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(raw_text) log.debug('{}: downloaded KEGG metadata file'.format(outfile)) else: log.debug('{}: KEGG metadata file already exists'.format(outfile))
return outfile
[docs]def parse_kegg_gene_metadata(infile): """Parse the KEGG flatfile and return a dictionary of metadata. Dictionary keys are: refseq uniprot pdbs taxonomy Args: infile: Path to KEGG flatfile Returns: dict: Dictionary of metadata """ metadata = defaultdict(str) with open(infile) as mf: kegg_parsed = bs_kegg.parse( # TODO: additional fields can be parsed if 'DBLINKS' in kegg_parsed.keys(): if 'UniProt' in kegg_parsed['DBLINKS']: unis = str(kegg_parsed['DBLINKS']['UniProt']).split(' ') # TODO: losing other uniprot ids by doing this if isinstance(unis, list): metadata['uniprot'] = unis[0] else: metadata['uniprot'] = unis if 'NCBI-ProteinID' in kegg_parsed['DBLINKS']: metadata['refseq'] = str(kegg_parsed['DBLINKS']['NCBI-ProteinID']) if 'STRUCTURE' in kegg_parsed.keys(): metadata['pdbs'] = str(kegg_parsed['STRUCTURE']['PDB']).split(' ') else: metadata['pdbs'] = None if 'ORGANISM' in kegg_parsed.keys(): metadata['taxonomy'] = str(kegg_parsed['ORGANISM'])
return metadata
[docs]def download_kegg_aa_seq(gene_id, outdir=None, force_rerun=False): """Download a FASTA sequence of a protein from the KEGG database and return the path. Args: gene_id: the gene identifier outdir: optional path to output directory Returns: Path to FASTA file """ if not outdir: outdir = '' outfile = op.join(outdir, '{}.faa'.format(custom_slugify(gene_id))) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): raw_text = bs_kegg.get("{}".format(gene_id), option='aaseq') if raw_text == 404: return with, mode='wt', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(raw_text) log.debug('{}: downloaded KEGG FASTA file'.format(outfile)) else: log.debug('{}: KEGG FASTA file already exists'.format(outfile))
return outfile
[docs]def map_kegg_all_genes(organism_code, target_db): """Map all of an organism's gene IDs to the target database. This is faster than supplying a specific list of genes to map, plus there seems to be a limit on the number you can map with a manual REST query anyway. Args: organism_code: the three letter KEGG code of your organism target_db: ncbi-proteinid | ncbi-geneid | uniprot Returns: Dictionary of ID mapping """ mapping = bs_kegg.conv(target_db, organism_code) # strip the organism code from the keys and the identifier in the values new_mapping = {} for k,v in mapping.items(): new_mapping[k.replace(organism_code + ':', '')] = str(v.split(':')[1])
return new_mapping