Source code for ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprop

import logging
import os
import os.path as op
import shutil
import time

import pandas as pd
from ssbio.protein.structure.utils.cleanpdb import CleanPDB
from ssbio.protein.structure.utils.structureio import StructureIO

import ssbio.utils
from ssbio.protein.structure.structprop import StructProp

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ITASSERProp(StructProp): """Parse all available information for a local I-TASSER modeling run. Initializes a class to collect I-TASSER modeling information and optionally copy results to a new directory. SEE: for detailed information. Args: ident (str): ID of I-TASSER modeling run original_results_path (str): Path to I-TASSER modeling folder coach_results_folder (str): Path to original COACH results model_to_use (str): Which I-TASSER model to use. Default is "model1" """ # TODO: parse 1) predicted SS (seq.dat) 2) predicted solvent acc (exp.dat) 3) B-factor (BFP.dat?) # Other? Top 10 proteins with similar structure in PDB: $datadir/model1/cofactor/similarpdb_model1.lst def __init__(self, ident, original_results_path, coach_results_folder='model1/coach', model_to_use='model1'): if not op.exists(original_results_path): raise OSError('{}: folder does not exist'.format(original_results_path)) StructProp.__init__(self, ident, is_experimental=False) self._attrs_to_copy = [] self.original_results_path = original_results_path self.model_to_use = model_to_use ### MODEL self.model_date = None original_model_path = op.join(original_results_path, '{}.pdb'.format(model_to_use)) if not op.exists(original_model_path): raise IOError('{}: no homology model generated'.format(original_model_path)) else: self.load_structure_path(structure_path=original_model_path, file_type='pdb') ### MODELING RESULTS self.difficulty = None self.top_template_pdb = None self.top_template_chain = None # Parse init.dat self._init_dat_path = op.join(original_results_path, 'init.dat') if op.exists(self._init_dat_path): self.update(parse_init_dat(self._init_dat_path)) # Parse seq.dat self._seq_dat_path = op.join(original_results_path, 'seq.dat') if op.exists(self._seq_dat_path): self._attrs_to_copy.append('_seq_dat_path') # TODO: parse seq.dat and store in modeling_results self.update(parse_seq_dat(self._seq_dat_path)) # Parse exp.dat self._exp_dat_path = op.join(original_results_path, 'exp.dat') if op.exists(self._exp_dat_path): self._attrs_to_copy.append('_exp_dat_path') # TODO: parse exp.dat and store in modeling_results self.update(parse_exp_dat(self._exp_dat_path)) # Parse BFP.dat self._bfp_dat_path = op.join(original_results_path, 'BFP.dat') if op.exists(self._bfp_dat_path): self._attrs_to_copy.append('_bfp_dat_path') # TODO: parse BFP.dat and store in modeling_results self.update(parse_bfp_dat(self._bfp_dat_path)) # Parse cscore self.c_score = None self.tm_score = None self.tm_score_err = None self.rmsd = None self.rmsd_err = None self._cscore_path = op.join(original_results_path, 'cscore') if op.exists(self._cscore_path): self._attrs_to_copy.append('_cscore_path') self.update(parse_cscore(self._cscore_path)) ### COACH RESULTS self.coach_bsites = [] self.coach_ec = [] self.coach_go_mf = [] self.coach_go_bp = [] self.coach_go_cc = [] coach_folder = op.join(original_results_path, coach_results_folder) self._coach_bsites_inf_path = op.join(coach_folder, 'Bsites.inf') self._coach_ec_dat_path = op.join(coach_folder, 'EC.dat') self._coach_go_mf_dat_path = op.join(coach_folder, 'GO_MF.dat') self._coach_go_bp_dat_path = op.join(coach_folder, 'GO_BP.dat') self._coach_go_cc_dat_path = op.join(coach_folder, 'GO_CC.dat') if op.isdir(coach_folder): # Parse Bsites.inf if op.exists(self._coach_bsites_inf_path): parsed_bsites = parse_coach_bsites_inf(self._coach_bsites_inf_path) if parsed_bsites: self._attrs_to_copy.append('_coach_bsites_inf_path') self.coach_bsites = parsed_bsites # Parse EC.dat if op.exists(self._coach_ec_dat_path): parsed_ec = parse_coach_ec(self._coach_ec_dat_path) if parsed_ec: self._attrs_to_copy.append('_coach_ec_dat_path') self.coach_ec = parsed_ec # Parse GO_MF.dat if op.exists(self._coach_go_mf_dat_path): parsed_go_mf = parse_coach_go(self._coach_go_mf_dat_path) if parsed_go_mf: self._attrs_to_copy.append('_coach_go_mf_dat_path') self.coach_go_mf = parsed_go_mf # Parse GO_BP.dat if op.exists(self._coach_go_bp_dat_path): parsed_go_bp = parse_coach_go(self._coach_go_bp_dat_path) if parsed_go_bp: self._attrs_to_copy.append('_coach_go_bp_dat_path') self.coach_go_bp = parsed_go_bp # Parse GO_CC.dat if op.exists(self._coach_go_cc_dat_path): parsed_go_cc = parse_coach_go(self._coach_go_cc_dat_path) if parsed_go_cc: self._attrs_to_copy.append('_coach_go_cc_dat_path') self.coach_go_cc = parsed_go_cc
[docs] def load_structure_path(self, structure_path, file_type='pdb'): StructProp.load_structure_path(self, structure_path=structure_path, file_type=file_type) # Additionally save model creation date
self.model_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(self.structure_path)))
[docs] def copy_results(self, copy_to_dir, rename_model_to=None, force_rerun=False): """Copy the raw information from I-TASSER modeling to a new folder. Copies all files in the list _attrs_to_copy. Args: copy_to_dir (str): Directory to copy the minimal set of results per sequence. rename_model_to (str): New file name (without extension) force_rerun (bool): If existing models and results should be overwritten. """ # Save path to the structure and copy it if specified if not rename_model_to: rename_model_to = self.model_to_use new_model_path = op.join(copy_to_dir, '{}.pdb'.format(rename_model_to)) if self.structure_path: if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=new_model_path): # Clean and save it custom_clean = CleanPDB() my_pdb = StructureIO(self.structure_path) new_model_path = my_pdb.write_pdb(custom_selection=custom_clean, custom_name=rename_model_to, out_dir=copy_to_dir, force_rerun=force_rerun) # Update the structure_path to be the new clean file self.load_structure_path(structure_path=new_model_path, file_type='pdb') # Other modeling results - store in a new folder dest_itasser_dir = op.join(copy_to_dir, '{}_itasser'.format(rename_model_to)) if not op.exists(dest_itasser_dir): os.mkdir(dest_itasser_dir) for attr in self._attrs_to_copy: old_file_path = getattr(self, attr) new_file_path = op.join(dest_itasser_dir, op.basename(old_file_path)) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=new_file_path): shutil.copy2(old_file_path, new_file_path) log.debug('{}: copied from {}'.format(new_file_path, old_file_path)) else: log.debug('{}: file already exists'.format(new_file_path))
setattr(self, attr, new_file_path) @property def df_coach_bsites(self): df_cols = ['site_num', 'c_score', 'cluster_size', 'algorithm', 'pdb_template_id', 'pdb_template_chain', 'pdb_ligand', 'binding_location_coords', 'c_score_method', 'binding_residues', 'ligand_cluster_counts'] bsites_inf_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self.coach_bsites, columns=df_cols).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) if bsites_inf_df.empty: log.warning('Empty dataframe') return bsites_inf_df else: bsites_inf_df['c_score'] = pd.to_numeric(bsites_inf_df.c_score, errors='coerce') bsites_inf_df['cluster_size'] = pd.to_numeric(bsites_inf_df.cluster_size, errors='coerce') return ssbio.utils.clean_df(bsites_inf_df) @property def df_coach_ec(self): if self._coach_ec_dat_path: return parse_coach_ec_df(self._coach_ec_dat_path) else: log.warning('Empty dataframe') return pd.DataFrame() @property def df_coach_go(self): cols = ['go_id', 'go_term', 'c_score'] go_all_df = pd.DataFrame() for go_list in [self.coach_go_mf, self.coach_go_cc, self.coach_go_bp]: go_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(go_list, columns=cols).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) go_df['c_score'] = pd.to_numeric(go_df.c_score, errors='coerce') if go_all_df.empty: go_all_df = go_df else: go_all_df.append(go_df) return go_all_df
[docs] def get_dict(self, only_attributes=None, exclude_attributes=None, df_format=False): """Summarize the I-TASSER run in a dictionary containing modeling results and top predictions from COACH Args: only_attributes (str, list): Attributes that should be returned. If not provided, all are returned. exclude_attributes (str, list): Attributes that should be excluded. df_format (bool): If dictionary values should be formatted for a dataframe (everything possible is transformed into strings, int, or float - if something can't be transformed it is excluded) Returns: dict: Dictionary of attributes """ to_exclude = ['coach_bsites', 'coach_ec', 'coach_go_mf', 'coach_go_bp', 'coach_go_cc'] if not exclude_attributes: excluder = to_exclude else: excluder = ssbio.utils.force_list(exclude_attributes) excluder.extend(to_exclude) summary_dict = StructProp.get_dict(self, only_attributes=only_attributes, exclude_attributes=excluder, df_format=df_format) if self.coach_bsites: tmp = {'top_bsite_' + k:v for k, v in self.coach_bsites[0].items()} summary_dict.update(tmp) if self.coach_ec: tmp = {'top_ec_' + k: v for k, v in self.coach_ec[0].items()} summary_dict.update(tmp) if self.coach_go_mf: tmp = {'top_go_mf_' + k: v for k, v in self.coach_go_mf[0].items()} summary_dict.update(tmp) if self.coach_go_bp: tmp = {'top_go_bp_' + k: v for k, v in self.coach_go_bp[0].items()} summary_dict.update(tmp) if self.coach_go_cc: tmp = {'top_go_cc_' + k: v for k, v in self.coach_go_cc[0].items()} summary_dict.update(tmp)
return summary_dict
[docs]def parse_init_dat(infile): """Parse the main init.dat file which contains the modeling results The first line of the file init.dat contains stuff like:: "120 easy 40 8" The other lines look like this:: " 161 11.051 1 1guqA MUSTER" and getting the first 10 gives you the top 10 templates used in modeling Args: infile (stt): Path to init.dat Returns: dict: Dictionary of parsed information """ # TODO: would be nice to get top 10 templates instead of just the top init_dict = {} log.debug('{}: reading file...'.format(infile)) with open(infile, 'r') as f: # Get first 2 lines of file head = [next(f).strip() for x in range(2)] summary = head[0].split() difficulty = summary[1] top_template_info = head[1].split() top_template_pdbchain = top_template_info[3] top_template_pdb = top_template_pdbchain[:4] top_template_chain = top_template_pdbchain[4:] init_dict['difficulty'] = difficulty init_dict['top_template_pdb'] = top_template_pdb init_dict['top_template_chain'] = top_template_chain
return init_dict
[docs]def parse_seq_dat(infile): """Parse the secondary structure predictions in seq.dat Args: infile (str): Path to seq.dat Returns: list: List of secondary structure predictions for all residues """ # TODO: parser for seq.dat seq_dict = {}
return seq_dict
[docs]def parse_exp_dat(infile): """Parse the solvent accessibility predictions in exp.dat Args: infile (str): Path to exp.dat Returns: list: List of solvent accessibility predictions for all residues """ # TODO: parser for exp.dat exp_dict = {}
return exp_dict
[docs]def parse_bfp_dat(infile): """Parse the B-factor predictions in BFP.dat Args: infile (str): Path to BFP.dat Returns: list: List of B-factor predictions for all residues """ # TODO: parser for BFP.dat bfp_dict = {}
return bfp_dict
[docs]def parse_cscore(infile): """Parse the cscore file to return a dictionary of scores. Args: infile (str): Path to cscore Returns: dict: Dictionary of scores """ cscore_dict = {} with open(infile, 'r') as f: for ll in f.readlines(): # Look for the first line that starts with model1 if ll.lower().startswith('model1'): l = ll.split() cscore = l[1] tmscore_full = l[2].split('+-') tmscore = tmscore_full[0] tmscore_err = tmscore_full[1] rmsd_full = l[3].split('+-') rmsd = rmsd_full[0] rmsd_err = rmsd_full[1] cscore_dict['c_score'] = float(cscore) cscore_dict['tm_score'] = float(tmscore) cscore_dict['tm_score_err'] = float(tmscore_err) cscore_dict['rmsd'] = float(rmsd) cscore_dict['rmsd_err'] = float(rmsd_err)
return cscore_dict
[docs]def parse_coach_bsites_inf(infile): """Parse the Bsites.inf output file of COACH and return a list of rank-ordered binding site predictions Bsites.inf contains the summary of COACH clustering results after all other prediction algorithms have finished For each site (cluster), there are three lines: - Line 1: site number, c-score of coach prediction, cluster size - Line 2: algorithm, PDB ID, ligand ID, center of binding site (cartesian coordinates), c-score of the algorithm's prediction, binding residues from single template - Line 3: Statistics of ligands in the cluster C-score information: - "In our training data, a prediction with C-score>0.35 has average false positive and false negative rates below 0.16 and 0.13, respectively." ( Args: infile (str): Path to Bsites.inf Returns: list: Ranked list of dictionaries, keys defined below - ``site_num``: cluster which is the consensus binding site - ``c_score``: confidence score of the cluster prediction - ``cluster_size``: number of predictions within this cluster - ``algorithm``: main? algorithm used to make the prediction - ``pdb_template_id``: PDB ID of the template used to make the prediction - ``pdb_template_chain``: chain of the PDB which has the ligand - ``pdb_ligand``: predicted ligand to bind - ``binding_location_coords``: centroid of the predicted ligand position in the homology model - ``c_score_method``: confidence score for the main algorithm - ``binding_residues``: predicted residues to bind the ligand - ``ligand_cluster_counts``: number of predictions per ligand """ bsites_results = [] with open(infile) as pp: lines = list(filter(None, (line.rstrip() for line in pp))) for i in range(len(lines) // 3): bsites_site_dict = {} line1 = lines[i * 3].split('\t') line2 = lines[i * 3 + 1].split('\t') line3 = lines[i * 3 + 2] bsites_site_dict['site_num'] = line1[0] bsites_site_dict['c_score'] = float(line1[1]) bsites_site_dict['cluster_size'] = line1[2] bsites_site_dict['algorithm'] = line2[0] bsites_site_dict['pdb_template_id'] = line2[1][:4] bsites_site_dict['pdb_template_chain'] = line2[1][4] bsites_site_dict['pdb_ligand'] = line2[2] bsites_site_dict['binding_location_coords'] = tuple(float(x) for x in line2[3].split()) # TODO: what's the difference between this c-score and the cluster's c-score? # how is the cluster's c-score computed? it's not the average c-score of all methods # also why are some COFACTOR c-scores >1? # 160411 - seems like the COFACTOR "BS-score" is being reported here, not its c-score... tmp_split = line2[4].split(' :') bsites_site_dict['c_score_method'] = tmp_split[0] bsites_site_dict['binding_residues'] = tmp_split[1] bsites_site_dict['ligand_cluster_counts'] = line3 bsites_results.append(bsites_site_dict)
return bsites_results
[docs]def parse_coach_ec_df(infile): """Parse the EC.dat output file of COACH and return a dataframe of results EC.dat contains the predicted EC number and active residues. The columns are: PDB_ID, TM-score, RMSD, Sequence identity, Coverage, Confidence score, EC number, and Active site residues Args: infile (str): Path to EC.dat Returns: DataFrame: Pandas DataFrame summarizing EC number predictions """ ec_df = pd.read_table(infile, delim_whitespace=True, names=['pdb_template', 'tm_score', 'rmsd', 'seq_ident', 'seq_coverage', 'c_score', 'ec_number', 'binding_residues']) ec_df['pdb_template_id'] = ec_df['pdb_template'].apply(lambda x: x[:4]) ec_df['pdb_template_chain'] = ec_df['pdb_template'].apply(lambda x: x[4]) ec_df = ec_df[['pdb_template_id', 'pdb_template_chain', 'tm_score', 'rmsd', 'seq_ident', 'seq_coverage', 'c_score', 'ec_number', 'binding_residues']] ec_df['c_score'] = pd.to_numeric(ec_df.c_score, errors='coerce')
return ec_df
[docs]def parse_coach_ec(infile): """Parse the EC.dat output file of COACH and return a list of rank-ordered EC number predictions EC.dat contains the predicted EC number and active residues. The columns are: PDB_ID, TM-score, RMSD, Sequence identity, Coverage, Confidence score, EC number, and Active site residues Args: infile (str): Path to EC.dat Returns: list: Ranked list of dictionaries, keys defined below - ``pdb_template_id``: PDB ID of the template used to make the prediction - ``pdb_template_chain``: chain of the PDB which has the ligand - ``tm_score``: TM-score of the template to the model (similarity score) - ``rmsd``: RMSD of the template to the model (also a measure of similarity) - ``seq_ident``: percent sequence identity - ``seq_coverage``: percent sequence coverage - ``c_score``: confidence score of the EC prediction - ``ec_number``: predicted EC number - ``binding_residues``: predicted residues to bind the ligand """
return list(parse_coach_ec_df(infile).to_dict(orient='index').values())
[docs]def parse_coach_go(infile): """Parse a GO output file from COACH and return a rank-ordered list of GO term predictions The columns in all files are: GO terms, Confidence score, Name of GO terms. The files are: - GO_MF.dat - GO terms in 'molecular function' - GO_BP.dat - GO terms in 'biological process' - GO_CC.dat - GO terms in 'cellular component' Args: infile (str): Path to any COACH GO prediction file Returns: Pandas DataFrame: Organized dataframe of results, columns defined below - ``go_id``: GO term ID - ``go_term``: GO term text - ``c_score``: confidence score of the GO prediction """ go_list = [] with open(infile) as go_file: for line in go_file.readlines(): go_dict = {} go_split = line.split() go_dict['go_id'] = go_split[0] go_dict['c_score'] = go_split[1] go_dict['go_term'] = ' '.join(go_split[2:]) go_list.append(go_dict)
return go_list