Source code for ssbio.protein.structure.utils.cleanpdb


import argparse
import logging
import os
import os.path as op
import textwrap

from Bio import PDB
from tqdm import tqdm

import ssbio.utils
from ssbio.protein.structure.utils.structureio import StructureIO

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CleanPDB(PDB.Select):

    """Selection rules to clean a PDB entry.

    These rules aim to:
    - Add missing chain identifiers to a PDB file
    - Select a single chain if noted
    - Remove alternate atom locations
    - Add atom occupancies
    - Add B (temperature) factors (default Biopython behavior)


    def __init__(self, remove_atom_alt=True, keep_atom_alt_id='A', remove_atom_hydrogen=True, add_atom_occ=True,
                 remove_res_hetero=True, keep_chemicals=None, keep_res_only=None, add_chain_id_if_empty='X', keep_chains=None):
        """Initialize the parameters which indicate what cleaning will occur

            remove_atom_alt (bool): Remove alternate positions
            keep_atom_alt_id (str): If removing alternate positions, which alternate ID to keep
            remove_atom_hydrogen (bool): Remove hydrogen atoms
            add_atom_occ (bool): Add atom occupancy fields if not present
            remove_res_hetero (bool): Remove all HETATMs
            keep_chemicals (str, list): If removing HETATMs, keep specified chemical names
            keep_res_only (str, list): Keep ONLY specified resnames, deletes everything else!
            add_chain_id_if_empty (str): Add a chain ID if not present
            keep_chains (str, list): Keep only these chains
        self.remove_atom_alt = remove_atom_alt
        self.remove_atom_hydrogen = remove_atom_hydrogen
        self.keep_atom_alt_id = keep_atom_alt_id
        self.add_atom_occ = add_atom_occ
        self.remove_res_hetero = remove_res_hetero
        self.add_chain_id_if_empty = add_chain_id_if_empty
        if not keep_chains:
            self.keep_chains = []
            self.keep_chains = ssbio.utils.force_list(keep_chains)
        if not keep_chemicals:
            self.keep_chemicals = []
            self.keep_chemicals = ssbio.utils.force_list(keep_chemicals)
        if not keep_res_only:
            self.keep_res_only = []
            self.keep_res_only = ssbio.utils.force_list(keep_res_only)

    def accept_chain(self, chain):
        # If the chain does not have an ID, add one to it and keep it
        if self.add_chain_id_if_empty and not
   = self.add_chain_id_if_empty
            return True
        # If a chain is specified and the current chain equals that specified chain, keep it
        elif self.keep_chains and in self.keep_chains:
            return True
        # If a chain is specified but the current chain does not equal that specified chain, remove it
        elif self.keep_chains and not in self.keep_chains:
            return False
        # If no chain is specified, keep all chains
            return True

    def accept_residue(self, residue):
        hetfield, resseq, icode = residue.get_id()
        if hetfield == '':
            hetfield = ' '
        if self.keep_res_only:
            if residue.resname.strip() in self.keep_res_only:
                return True
                return False
        # If you want to remove residues that are not normal, remove them
        if self.remove_res_hetero and hetfield[0] != ' ' and residue.resname.strip() not in self.keep_chemicals:
            return False
            return True

    def accept_atom(self, atom):
        # If the you want to remove hydrogens and the atom is a H, remove it
        if self.remove_atom_hydrogen and atom.element == 'H':
            return False
        # If you want to remove alternate locations, and the alt location isn't the one you want to keep, remove it
        elif self.remove_atom_alt and atom.is_disordered() and atom.get_altloc() != self.keep_atom_alt_id:
            return False
            # Add occupancies if there are none and you want to
            if self.add_atom_occ and atom.occupancy is None:
            if self.remove_atom_alt:
                atom.set_altloc(' ')
            return True

[docs]def clean_pdb(pdb_file, out_suffix='_clean', outdir=None, force_rerun=False, remove_atom_alt=True, keep_atom_alt_id='A', remove_atom_hydrogen=True, add_atom_occ=True, remove_res_hetero=True, keep_chemicals=None, keep_res_only=None, add_chain_id_if_empty='X', keep_chains=None): """Clean a PDB file. Args: pdb_file (str): Path to input PDB file out_suffix (str): Suffix to append to original filename outdir (str): Path to output directory force_rerun (bool): If structure should be re-cleaned if a clean file exists already remove_atom_alt (bool): Remove alternate positions keep_atom_alt_id (str): If removing alternate positions, which alternate ID to keep remove_atom_hydrogen (bool): Remove hydrogen atoms add_atom_occ (bool): Add atom occupancy fields if not present remove_res_hetero (bool): Remove all HETATMs keep_chemicals (str, list): If removing HETATMs, keep specified chemical names keep_res_only (str, list): Keep ONLY specified resnames, deletes everything else! add_chain_id_if_empty (str): Add a chain ID if not present keep_chains (str, list): Keep only these chains Returns: str: Path to cleaned PDB file """ outfile = ssbio.utils.outfile_maker(inname=pdb_file, append_to_name=out_suffix, outdir=outdir, outext='.pdb') if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): my_pdb = StructureIO(pdb_file) my_cleaner = CleanPDB(remove_atom_alt=remove_atom_alt, remove_atom_hydrogen=remove_atom_hydrogen, keep_atom_alt_id=keep_atom_alt_id, add_atom_occ=add_atom_occ, remove_res_hetero=remove_res_hetero, keep_res_only=keep_res_only, add_chain_id_if_empty=add_chain_id_if_empty, keep_chains=keep_chains, keep_chemicals=keep_chemicals) my_clean_pdb = my_pdb.write_pdb(out_suffix=out_suffix, out_dir=outdir, custom_selection=my_cleaner, force_rerun=force_rerun) return my_clean_pdb else:
return outfile if __name__ == '__main__': p = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent("""\ Clean PDB files - ----------------------------- This script will automatically: * Add missing chains to a PDB file * Select a single chain or chains if noted * Remove alternate atom locations * Add atom occupancies * Add B (temperature) factors (default Biopython behavior) Cleaned PDBs will be in a clean_pdbs folder where the script is executed. Example: script help $ cleanpdb --help Example: clean one PDB file $ cleanpdb 1kf6.pdb Example: clean one PDB file and keep only chains A and B $ cleanpdb 1kf6.pdb --chain A,B Example: clean multiple PDB files $ cleanpdb *.pdb Example: clean a whole directory of PDB $ cleanpdb /path/to/pdb/files """)) p.add_argument('infile', help='PDB file or folder you want to clean', nargs='+', type=str) p.add_argument('--outsuffix', '-os', default='_clean', help='Suffix appended to PDB file') p.add_argument('--outdir', '-od', default='clean_pdbs', help='Directory to output clean PDBs') p.add_argument('--chain', '-c', default=None, help='Keep only specified chains') p.add_argument('--keephydro', '-hy', action='store_false', help='Keep hydrogen atoms (default is to remove)') p.add_argument('--keephetero', '-ht', action='store_false', help='Keep hetero atoms (default is to remove)') # TODO: if this flag is present, the alternate positions seem to switch line positions p.add_argument('--keepalt', '-ka', action='store_false', help='Keep alternate positions (default is to remove)') p.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true', help='Force rerunning of cleaning even if the clean PDB exists') args = p.parse_args() if args.chain: args.chain = args.chain.split(',') if not op.isdir(args.outdir): os.mkdir(args.outdir) infiles = ssbio.utils.input_list_parser(args.infile) for pdb in tqdm(infiles): outfile = ssbio.utils.outfile_maker(inname=pdb, append_to_name=args.outsuffix, outdir=args.outdir, outext='.pdb') if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=args.force, outfile=outfile): my_pdb = StructureIO(pdb) my_cleaner = CleanPDB(remove_atom_alt=args.keepalt, remove_atom_hydrogen=args.keephydro, keep_atom_alt_id='A', add_atom_occ=True, remove_res_hetero=args.keephetero, add_chain_id_if_empty='X', keep_chains=args.chain) my_clean_pdb = my_pdb.write_pdb(out_suffix=args.outsuffix, out_dir=args.outdir, custom_selection=my_cleaner, force_rerun=args.force) print('Clean PDBs at: {}'.format(args.outdir))