Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

__author__ = 'Ke Chen'
__email__ = ""

import os
import os.path as op
import glob
import time
import requests
import ssbio.protein.sequence.utils

# TODO: replace urllib usage with six library
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from urllib.request import build_opener
    from urllib.request import HTTPCookieProcessor
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    from urllib.parse import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse
    from urllib2 import urlopen
    from urllib import urlencode
    from urllib2 import build_opener
    from urllib2 import HTTPCookieProcessor
    from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
except ImportError:
    from cookielib import CookieJar

[docs]class AMYLPRED: """Class to submit sequences to AMYLPRED2_. Instructions: #. Create an account on the webserver at the `AMYLPRED2 registration link`_. #. Create a new AMYLPRED object with your email and password initialized along with it. #. Run ``get_aggregation_propensity`` on a protein sequence. Attributes: email (str): Account email password (str): Account password Todo: - Properly implement force_rerun and caching functions .. _AMYLPRED2: .. _AMYLPRED2 registration link: """ def __init__(self, email, password): """Initialize the AMYLPRED object with your email and password used to login here. Args: email (str): Account email password (str): Account password """ = email self.password = password
[docs] def get_aggregation_propensity(self, seq, outdir, cutoff_v=5, cutoff_n=5, run_amylmuts=False): """Run the AMYLPRED2 web server for a protein sequence and get the consensus result for aggregation propensity. Args: seq (str, Seq, SeqRecord): Amino acid sequence outdir (str): Directory to where output files should be saved cutoff_v (int): The minimal number of methods that agree on a residue being a aggregation-prone residue cutoff_n (int): The minimal number of consecutive residues to be considered as a 'stretch' of aggregation-prone region run_amylmuts (bool): If AMYLMUTS method should be run, default False. AMYLMUTS is optional as it is the most time consuming and generates a slightly different result every submission. Returns: int: Aggregation propensity - the number of aggregation-prone segments on an unfolded protein sequence """ seq = ssbio.protein.sequence.utils.cast_to_str(seq) results = self.run_amylpred2(seq=seq, outdir=outdir, run_amylmuts=run_amylmuts) agg_index, agg_conf = self.parse_for_consensus_aggregation(N=len(seq), results=results, cutoff_v=cutoff_v, cutoff_n=cutoff_n)
return agg_index
[docs] def run_amylpred2(self, seq, outdir, run_amylmuts=False): """Run all methods on the AMYLPRED2 web server for an amino acid sequence and gather results. Result files are cached in ``/path/to/outdir/AMYLPRED2_results``. Args: seq (str): Amino acid sequence as a string outdir (str): Directory to where output files should be saved run_amylmuts (bool): If AMYLMUTS method should be run, default False Returns: dict: Result for each method run """ outdir_amylpred = op.join(outdir, 'AMYLPRED2_results') if not op.exists(outdir_amylpred): os.mkdir(outdir_amylpred) url = "" cj = CookieJar() opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) formdata = {"email":, "password": self.password} data_encoded = urlencode(formdata) data_encoded = data_encoded.encode('ASCII') response =, data_encoded) # AMYLMUTS is most time consuming and generates a slightly different result every submission methods = ['AGGRESCAN', 'NETCSSP', 'PAFIG', 'APD', 'AMYLPATTERN', 'SECSTR', 'BSC', 'WALTZ', 'CONFENERGY', 'TANGO'] if run_amylmuts: methods.append('AMYLMUTS') output = {} timeCounts = 0 for met in methods: # First check if there is an existing results file existing_results = glob.glob(op.join(outdir_amylpred, '*_{}.txt'.format(met))) if existing_results: results_file = existing_results[0] else: values = {'seq_data': seq, 'method': met} data = urlencode(values) data = data.encode('ASCII') url_input = "" response =, data) result = str( ind = str.find(result, 'Job ID') result2 = result[ind:ind + 50] ind1 = str.find(result2, ':') ind2 = str.find(result2, '<BR>') job_id = result2[ind1 + 2:ind2] # Waiting for the calculation to complete url_result = '' + job_id + '.txt' print(url_result) print("Waiting for %s results" % met, end='.') while True: result = urlopen(url_result).read() if not result: time.sleep(1) timeCounts += 1 print('.', end='') else: response = requests.get(url_result) break results_file = op.join(outdir_amylpred, "{}_{}.txt".format(url_result.split('/')[-1].strip('.txt'), met)) with open(results_file, "wb") as handle: for data in response.iter_content(): handle.write(data) print("") method, hits = self.parse_method_results(results_file, met) # if method.lower() == met.lower(): output[met] = hits # elif method == 'Beta-strand contiguity' and met == 'BSC': # output[met]=hits # elif method == 'Hexapeptide Conf. Energy' and met == 'CONFENERGY': if timeCounts != 0: print("Time spent: %d seconds" % timeCounts)
return output
[docs] def parse_method_results(self, results_file, met): """Parse the output of a AMYLPRED2 result file.""" result = str(open(results_file).read()) ind_s = str.find(result, 'HITS') ind_e = str.find(result, '**NOTE') tmp = result[ind_s + 10:ind_e].strip(" ") hits_resid = [] method = None if ":" in tmp: method = tmp.split(":")[0] hits = tmp.split(":")[1] if "-" in hits: for ele in hits.split(","): ele = ele.replace('\\r\\n\\r\\n', '') res_s = ele.split("-")[0] res_e = ele.split("-")[1] for i in range(int(res_s), int(res_e) + 1): hits_resid.append(i) if method: return method, hits_resid else:
return met, hits_resid def aggregation_index(self, output, cutoff_v, cutoff_n): # all index for all aggregation potential > cutoff_v idx = [i for i in range(0, len(output)) if output[i] >= cutoff_v] # hold number of continueous aa with aggregation potential > cutoff_v # for each continueous stretch agg_index = [] idx_for_summation = [] if idx: # start index for each stretch start_idx = [idx[0]] i = 0 counter = 0 while i < len(idx) - 1: if idx[i] + 1 == idx[i + 1]: counter += 1 else: agg_index.append(counter + 1) start_idx.append(idx[i + 1]) counter = 0 i += 1 if i == len(idx) - 1: agg_index.append(counter + 1) idx2 = [i for i in range(0, len(agg_index)) if agg_index[i] >= cutoff_n] for i in idx2: idx_for_summation.extend(range(start_idx[i], agg_index[i] + start_idx[i])) sum = 0 for i in idx_for_summation: sum += output[i] sum_all = 0 else: idx2 = [] sum = 0 if len(idx_for_summation) == 0: return len(idx2), 0 else: return len(idx2), sum / float(len(idx_for_summation)) def parse_for_consensus_aggregation(self, N, results, cutoff_v=5, cutoff_n=5): if len(results) == 0: raise ValueError('No results were found!') hits_res_count = {} for met in results.keys(): for res in results[met]: if res in hits_res_count.keys(): hits_res_count[res] += 1 else: hits_res_count[res] = 1 AGG_Propensity = [] output2 = [] for i in range(1, int(N) + 1): if i in hits_res_count.keys(): output2.append(hits_res_count[i]) else: output2.append(0.0) agg_index, agg_conf = self.aggregation_index(output2, cutoff_v, cutoff_n) # These are parameters that you can explore, "5,5" means # 5 consecutive residues agreed among at least 5 methods # is considered contributing 1 to the aggregation propensity
return agg_index, agg_conf # TODO: clean up execution script to run on FASTA file(s) # if __name__ == '__main__': # import os.path as op # from ssbio import utils # date = utils.Date() # # load inputs from command line # # p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run AMYLPRED2 on a FASTA file or a folder of FASTA files.') # p.add_argument('email', help=' Email') # p.add_argument('password', help='Password') # p.add_argument('infile', help='FASTA file or directory of FASTA files.') # args = p.parse_args() # # curr_dir = os.getcwd() # # initialize the class with your email and password for the site # agg_predictions = agg.AMYLPRED(, args.password) # # prop_dir = 'properties' # if not op.exists(prop_dir): # os.mkdir(prop_dir) # # agg_prop_dir = op.join(prop_dir,'aggregation_propensity') # if not op.exists(agg_prop_dir): # os.mkdir(agg_prop_dir) # # # TODO: improve arg parsing for files/dirs # # TODO: this was all done in a rush - current dir and infile should be improved # if len(args.infile) == 1 and op.isdir(args.infile[0]): # os.chdir(args.infile[0]) # files = glob.glob('*') # else: # files = args.infile # # results = [] # # for file in tqdm(files): # if op.isdir(file): # continue # # # load the sequence file, also the ID # seq_records = fasta.load_fasta_file(file) # seq_id = op.splitext(op.basename(file))[0] # # seq_folder = op.join(agg_prop_dir, seq_id) # if not op.exists(seq_folder): # os.mkdir(seq_folder) # # os.chdir(seq_folder) # # TODO: seems useless to return seqrecords to just convert them to strings # for seq_record in seq_records: # agg_index = agg_predictions.get_aggregation_propensity(str(seq_record.seq)) # result = {'id':seq_id, 'agg_index':agg_index} # results.append(result) # os.chdir(curr_dir) # # agg_df = pd.DataFrame(results) # agg_df.to_csv(op.join(prop_dir, '{}_aggprop_results.csv'.format(date.short_date))) # print('Saved results in properties/aggregation_propensity and summarized in aggprop_results.csv')