Source code for ssbio.protein.structure.structprop


import logging
import os.path as op

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cobra.core import DictList
from collections import defaultdict
import ssbio.protein.sequence.utils.alignment
import as fs
import ssbio.utils
from ssbio.core.object import Object
from ssbio.protein.structure.chainprop import ChainProp
from ssbio.protein.structure.utils.structureio import StructureIO

import seaborn as sns
import ssbio.protein.structure.utils.cleanpdb
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class StructProp(Object): """Generic class to represent information for a protein structure. The main utilities of this class are to: * Provide access to the 3D coordinates using a Biopython Structure object through the method ``parse_structure``. * Run predictions and computations on the structure * Analyze specific chains using the ``mapped_chains`` attribute * Provide wrapper methods to ``nglview`` to view the structure in a Jupyter notebook Args: ident (str): Unique identifier for this structure description (str): Optional human-readable description chains (str, list): Chain ID or list of IDs mapped_chains (str, list): A chain ID or IDs to indicate what chains should be analyzed is_experimental (bool): Flag to indicate if structure is an experimental or computational model structure_path (str): Path to structure file file_type (str): Type of structure file - ``pdb``, ``pdb.gz``, ``mmcif``, ``cif``, ``cif.gz``, ``xml.gz``, ``mmtf``, ``mmtf.gz`` """ def __init__(self, ident, description=None, chains=None, mapped_chains=None, is_experimental=False, structure_path=None, file_type=None): Object.__init__(self, id=ident, description=description) self.is_experimental = is_experimental """bool: Flag to note if this structure is an experimental model or a homology model""" # Chain information # chains is a DictList of ChainProp objects # If you run self.parse_structure(), all chains will be parsed and stored here # Use mapped_chains below to keep track of chains you are interested in self.chains = DictList() """DictList: A DictList of chains have their sequence stored in them, along with residue-specific""" if chains: self.add_chain_ids(chains) # mapped_chains is an ordered list of mapped chain IDs which would come from BLAST or the best_structures API self.mapped_chains = [] """list: A simple list of chain IDs (strings) that will be used to subset analyses""" if mapped_chains: self.add_mapped_chain_ids(mapped_chains) self.parsed = False """bool: Simple flag to track if this structure has had its structure + chain sequences parsed""" # XTODO: rename to sequence_parsed or something similar # File information self.file_type = file_type """str: Type of structure file""" self._structure_dir = None self.structure_file = None """str: Name of the structure file""" if structure_path: self.load_structure_path(structure_path, file_type) self.structure = None """Structure: Biopython Structure object, only used if ``store_in_memory`` option of ``parse_structure`` is set to True""" @property def structure_dir(self): if not self._structure_dir: raise OSError('No structure folder set') return self._structure_dir @structure_dir.setter def structure_dir(self, path): if path and not op.exists(path): raise OSError('{}: folder does not exist'.format(path)) self._structure_dir = path @property def structure_path(self): if not self.structure_file: raise OSError('{}: structure file not available'.format( path = op.join(self.structure_dir, self.structure_file) if not op.exists(path): raise ValueError('{}: file does not exist'.format(path)) return path
[docs] def load_structure_path(self, structure_path, file_type): """Load a structure file and provide pointers to its location Args: structure_path (str): Path to structure file file_type (str): Type of structure file """ if not file_type: raise ValueError('File type must be specified') self.file_type = file_type self.structure_dir = op.dirname(structure_path)
self.structure_file = op.basename(structure_path)
[docs] def parse_structure(self, store_in_memory=False): """Read the 3D coordinates of a structure file and return it as a Biopython Structure object. Also create ChainProp objects in the chains attribute for each chain in the first model. Args: store_in_memory (bool): If the Biopython Structure object should be stored in the attribute ``structure``. Returns: Structure: Biopython Structure object """ # TODO: perhaps add option to parse into ProDy object? if not self.structure_file: log.error('{}: no structure file, unable to parse'.format( return None else: # Add Biopython structure object structure = StructureIO(self.structure_path, self.file_type) # Add all chains to self.chains as ChainProp objects structure_chains = [ for x in structure.first_model.child_list] self.add_chain_ids(structure_chains) self.get_structure_seqs(structure.first_model) # Also add all chains to self.mapped_chains ONLY if there are none specified if not self.mapped_chains: self.add_mapped_chain_ids(structure_chains) self.parsed = True if store_in_memory: self.structure = structure
return structure
[docs] def clean_structure(self, out_suffix='_clean', outdir=None, force_rerun=False, remove_atom_alt=True, keep_atom_alt_id='A',remove_atom_hydrogen=True, add_atom_occ=True, remove_res_hetero=True, keep_chemicals=None, keep_res_only=None, add_chain_id_if_empty='X', keep_chains=None): """Clean the structure file associated with this structure, and save it as a new file. Returns the file path. Args: out_suffix (str): Suffix to append to original filename outdir (str): Path to output directory force_rerun (bool): If structure should be re-cleaned if a clean file exists already remove_atom_alt (bool): Remove alternate positions keep_atom_alt_id (str): If removing alternate positions, which alternate ID to keep remove_atom_hydrogen (bool): Remove hydrogen atoms add_atom_occ (bool): Add atom occupancy fields if not present remove_res_hetero (bool): Remove all HETATMs keep_chemicals (str, list): If removing HETATMs, keep specified chemical names keep_res_only (str, list): Keep ONLY specified resnames, deletes everything else! add_chain_id_if_empty (str): Add a chain ID if not present keep_chains (str, list): Keep only these chains Returns: str: Path to cleaned PDB file """ if not self.structure_file: log.error('{}: no structure file, unable to clean'.format( return None clean_pdb_file = ssbio.protein.structure.utils.cleanpdb.clean_pdb(self.structure_path, out_suffix=out_suffix, outdir=outdir, force_rerun=force_rerun, remove_atom_alt=remove_atom_alt, remove_atom_hydrogen=remove_atom_hydrogen, keep_atom_alt_id=keep_atom_alt_id, add_atom_occ=add_atom_occ, remove_res_hetero=remove_res_hetero, keep_chemicals=keep_chemicals, keep_res_only=keep_res_only, add_chain_id_if_empty=add_chain_id_if_empty, keep_chains=keep_chains)
return clean_pdb_file
[docs] def add_mapped_chain_ids(self, mapped_chains): """Add chains by ID into the mapped_chains attribute Args: mapped_chains (str, list): Chain ID or list of IDs """ mapped_chains = ssbio.utils.force_list(mapped_chains) for c in mapped_chains: if c not in self.mapped_chains: self.mapped_chains.append(c) log.debug('{}: added to list of mapped chains'.format(c)) else:
log.debug('{}: chain already in list of mapped chains, not adding'.format(c))
[docs] def add_chain_ids(self, chains): """Add chains by ID into the chains attribute Args: chains (str, list): Chain ID or list of IDs """ chains = ssbio.utils.force_list(chains) for c in chains: if self.chains.has_id(c): log.debug('{}: chain already present'.format(c)) else: chain_prop = ChainProp(ident=c, self.chains.append(chain_prop)
log.debug('{}: added to chains list'.format(c))
[docs] def get_structure_seqs(self, model): """Gather chain sequences and store in their corresponding ``ChainProp`` objects in the ``chains`` attribute. Args: model (Model): Biopython Model object of the structure you would like to parse """ # Don't overwrite existing ChainProp objects dont_overwrite = [] chains = list(model.get_chains()) for x in chains: if self.chains.has_id( if self.chains.get_by_id( dont_overwrite.append( if len(dont_overwrite) == len(chains): log.debug('Not writing structure sequences, already stored') return # Returns the structures sequences with Xs added structure_seqs = log.debug('{}: gathered chain sequences'.format( # Associate with ChainProps for seq_record in structure_seqs: log.debug('{}: adding chain sequence to ChainProp'.format( my_chain = self.chains.get_by_id(
my_chain.seq_record = seq_record def reset_chain_seq_records(self): for x in self.chains: x.reset_seq_record()
[docs] def get_dict_with_chain(self, chain, only_keys=None, chain_keys=None, exclude_attributes=None, df_format=False): """get_dict method which incorporates attributes found in a specific chain. Does not overwrite any attributes in the original StructProp. Args: chain: only_keys: chain_keys: exclude_attributes: df_format: Returns: dict: attributes of StructProp + the chain specified """ # Choose attributes to return, return everything in the object if a list is not specified if not only_keys: keys = list(self.__dict__.keys()) else: keys = ssbio.utils.force_list(only_keys) # Remove keys you don't want returned if exclude_attributes: exclude_attributes = ssbio.utils.force_list(exclude_attributes) for x in exclude_attributes: if x in keys: keys.remove(x) else: exclude_attributes = [] exclude_attributes.extend(['mapped_chains', 'chains']) final_dict = {k: v for k, v in Object.get_dict(self, only_attributes=keys, exclude_attributes=exclude_attributes, df_format=df_format).items()} chain_prop = self.chains.get_by_id(chain) # Filter out keys that show up in StructProp if not chain_keys: chain_keys = [x for x in chain_prop.get_dict().keys() if x not in final_dict] chain_dict = chain_prop.get_dict(only_attributes=chain_keys, df_format=df_format) final_dict.update(chain_dict)
return final_dict
[docs] def find_disulfide_bridges(self, threshold=3.0): """Run Biopython's search_ss_bonds to find potential disulfide bridges for each chain and store in ChainProp.""" if self.structure: parsed = self.structure else: parsed = self.parse_structure() if not parsed: log.error('{}: unable to open structure to find S-S bridges'.format( return disulfide_bridges =, threshold=threshold) if not disulfide_bridges: log.debug('{}: no disulfide bridges found'.format( for chain, bridges in disulfide_bridges.items(): self.chains.get_by_id(chain).seq_record.annotations['SSBOND-biopython'] = disulfide_bridges[chain] log.debug('{}: found {} disulfide bridges'.format(chain, len(bridges)))
log.debug('{}: stored disulfide bridges in the chain\'s seq_record letter_annotations'.format(chain))
[docs] def get_dssp_annotations(self, outdir, force_rerun=False): """Run DSSP on this structure and store the DSSP annotations in the corresponding ChainProp SeqRecords Calculations are stored in the ChainProp's ``letter_annotations`` at the following keys: * ``SS-dssp`` * ``RSA-dssp`` * ``ASA-dssp`` * ``PHI-dssp`` * ``PSI-dssp`` Args: outdir (str): Path to where DSSP dataframe will be stored. force_rerun (bool): If DSSP results should be recalculated TODO: * Also parse global properties, like total accessible surface area. Don't think Biopython parses those? """ if self.structure: parsed = self.structure else: parsed = self.parse_structure() if not parsed: log.error('{}: unable to open structure to run DSSP'.format( return log.debug('{}: running DSSP'.format( dssp_results =, pdb_file=self.structure_path, outdir=outdir, force_rerun=force_rerun) if dssp_results.empty: log.error('{}: unable to run DSSP'.format( return chains = dssp_results.chain.unique() dssp_summary = for chain in chains: ss = dssp_results[dssp_results.chain == chain].ss.tolist() exposure_rsa = dssp_results[dssp_results.chain == chain].exposure_rsa.tolist() exposure_asa = dssp_results[dssp_results.chain == chain].exposure_asa.tolist() phi = dssp_results[dssp_results.chain == chain].phi.tolist() psi = dssp_results[dssp_results.chain == chain].psi.tolist() chain_prop = self.chains.get_by_id(chain) chain_seq = chain_prop.seq_record # Making sure the X's are filled in ss =, new_seq=ss, fill_with='-') exposure_rsa =, new_seq=exposure_rsa, fill_with=float('Inf')) exposure_asa =, new_seq=exposure_asa, fill_with=float('Inf')) phi =, new_seq=phi, fill_with=float('Inf')) psi =, new_seq=psi, fill_with=float('Inf')) chain_prop.seq_record.annotations.update(dssp_summary[chain]) chain_prop.seq_record.letter_annotations['SS-dssp'] = ss chain_prop.seq_record.letter_annotations['RSA-dssp'] = exposure_rsa chain_prop.seq_record.letter_annotations['ASA-dssp'] = exposure_asa chain_prop.seq_record.letter_annotations['PHI-dssp'] = phi chain_prop.seq_record.letter_annotations['PSI-dssp'] = psi
log.debug('{}: stored DSSP annotations in chain seq_record letter_annotations'.format(chain))
[docs] def get_msms_annotations(self, outdir, force_rerun=False): """Run MSMS on this structure and store the residue depths/ca depths in the corresponding ChainProp SeqRecords """ # Now can run on Biopython Model objects exclusively thanks to Biopython updates # if self.file_type != 'pdb': # raise ValueError('{}: unable to run MSMS with "{}" file type. Please change file type to "pdb"'.format(, # self.file_type)) if self.structure: parsed = self.structure else: parsed = self.parse_structure() if not parsed: log.error('{}: unable to open structure to run MSMS'.format( return log.debug('{}: running MSMS'.format( # PDB ID is currently set to the structure file so the output name is the same with _msms.df appended to it msms_results =, pdb_id=self.structure_path, outdir=outdir, force_rerun=force_rerun) if msms_results.empty: log.error('{}: unable to run MSMS'.format( return chains = msms_results.chain.unique() for chain in chains: res_depths = msms_results[msms_results.chain == chain].res_depth.tolist() ca_depths = msms_results[msms_results.chain == chain].ca_depth.tolist() chain_prop = self.chains.get_by_id(chain) chain_seq = chain_prop.seq_record # Making sure the X's are filled in res_depths =, new_seq=res_depths, fill_with=float('Inf')) ca_depths =, new_seq=ca_depths, fill_with=float('Inf')) chain_prop.seq_record.letter_annotations['RES_DEPTH-msms'] = res_depths chain_prop.seq_record.letter_annotations['CA_DEPTH-msms'] = ca_depths
log.debug('{}: stored residue depths in chain seq_record letter_annotations'.format(chain))
[docs] def get_freesasa_annotations(self, outdir, include_hetatms=False, force_rerun=False): """Run ``freesasa`` on this structure and store the calculated properties in the corresponding ChainProps """ if self.file_type != 'pdb': log.error('{}: unable to run freesasa with "{}" file type. Please change file type to "pdb"'.format(, self.file_type)) return # Parse the structure to store chain sequences if self.structure: parsed = self.structure else: parsed = self.parse_structure() if not parsed: log.error('{}: unable to open structure to run freesasa'.format( return # Set outfile name log.debug('{}: running freesasa'.format( if include_hetatms: outfile = '{}.freesasa_het.rsa'.format( else: outfile = '{}.freesasa_nohet.rsa'.format( # Run freesasa result = fs.run_freesasa(infile=self.structure_path, outfile=outfile, include_hetatms=include_hetatms, outdir=outdir, force_rerun=force_rerun) # Parse results result_parsed = fs.parse_rsa_data(result) prop_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for k, v in result_parsed.items(): chain = k[0] for prop, calc in v.items(): prop_dict[chain][prop].append(calc) # Reorganize and store results all_props = ['all_atoms_abs', 'all_atoms_rel', 'side_chain_abs', 'side_chain_rel', 'main_chain_abs', 'main_chain_rel', 'non_polar_abs', 'non_polar_rel', 'all_polar_abs', 'all_polar_rel'] all_props_renamed = {'all_atoms_abs' : 'ASA_ALL-freesasa', 'all_atoms_rel' : 'RSA_ALL-freesasa', 'all_polar_abs' : 'ASA_POLAR-freesasa', 'all_polar_rel' : 'RSA_POLAR-freesasa', 'main_chain_abs': 'ASA_BACKBONE-freesasa', 'main_chain_rel': 'RSA_BACKBONE-freesasa', 'non_polar_abs' : 'ASA_NONPOLAR-freesasa', 'non_polar_rel' : 'RSA_NONPOLAR-freesasa', 'side_chain_abs': 'ASA_RESIDUE-freesasa', 'side_chain_rel': 'RSA_RESIDUE-freesasa'} ## Rename dictionary keys based on if HETATMs were included if include_hetatms: suffix = '_het' else: suffix = '_nohet' for k, v in all_props_renamed.items(): all_props_renamed[k] = v + suffix for chain in self.chains: for prop in all_props: prop_list =, new_seq=prop_dict[][prop], fill_with=float('Inf'), ignore_excess=True) chain.seq_record.letter_annotations[all_props_renamed[prop]] = prop_list
log.debug('{}: stored freesasa calculations in chain seq_record letter_annotations'.format(chain))
[docs] def view_structure(self, only_chains=None, opacity=1.0, recolor=False, gui=False): """Use NGLviewer to display a structure in a Jupyter notebook Args: only_chains (str, list): Chain ID or IDs to display opacity (float): Opacity of the structure recolor (bool): If structure should be cleaned and recolored to silver gui (bool): If the NGLview GUI should show up Returns: NGLviewer object """ # TODO: show_structure_file does not work for MMTF files - need to check for that and load accordingly if ssbio.utils.is_ipynb(): import nglview as nv else: raise EnvironmentError('Unable to display structure - not running in a Jupyter notebook environment') if not self.structure_file: raise ValueError("Structure file not loaded") only_chains = ssbio.utils.force_list(only_chains) to_show_chains = '( ' for c in only_chains: to_show_chains += ':{} or'.format(c) to_show_chains = to_show_chains.strip(' or ') to_show_chains += ' )' if self.file_type == 'mmtf' or self.file_type == 'mmtf.gz': view = nv.NGLWidget() view.add_component(self.structure_path) else: view = nv.show_structure_file(self.structure_path, gui=gui) if recolor: view.clear_representations() if only_chains: view.add_cartoon(selection='{} and (not hydrogen)'.format(to_show_chains), color='silver', opacity=opacity) else: view.add_cartoon(selection='protein', color='silver', opacity=opacity) elif only_chains: view.clear_representations() view.add_cartoon(selection='{} and (not hydrogen)'.format(to_show_chains), color='silver', opacity=opacity)
return view
[docs] def add_residues_highlight_to_nglview(self, view, structure_resnums, chain=None, res_color='red'): """Add a residue number or numbers to an NGLWidget view object. Args: view (NGLWidget): NGLWidget view object structure_resnums (int, list): Residue number(s) to highlight, structure numbering chain (str, list): Chain ID or IDs of which residues are a part of. If not provided, all chains in the mapped_chains attribute will be used. If that is also empty, and exception is raised. res_color (str): Color to highlight residues with """ if not chain: chain = self.mapped_chains if not chain: raise ValueError('Please input chain ID to display residue on') if isinstance(structure_resnums, list): structure_resnums = list(set(structure_resnums)) elif isinstance(structure_resnums, int): structure_resnums = ssbio.utils.force_list(structure_resnums) else: raise ValueError('Input must either be a residue number of a list of residue numbers') to_show_chains = '( ' for c in chain: to_show_chains += ':{} or'.format(c) to_show_chains = to_show_chains.strip(' or ') to_show_chains += ' )' to_show_res = '( ' for m in structure_resnums: to_show_res += '{} or '.format(m) to_show_res = to_show_res.strip(' or ') to_show_res += ' )''Selection: {} and not hydrogen and {}'.format(to_show_chains, to_show_res))
view.add_ball_and_stick(selection='{} and not hydrogen and {}'.format(to_show_chains, to_show_res), color=res_color)
[docs] def add_scaled_residues_highlight_to_nglview(self, view, structure_resnums, chain=None, color='red', unique_colors=False, opacity_range=(0.5,1), scale_range=(.7, 10)): """Add a list of residue numbers (which may contain repeating residues) to a view, or add a dictionary of residue numbers to counts. Size and opacity of added residues are scaled by counts. Args: view (NGLWidget): NGLWidget view object structure_resnums (int, list, dict): Residue number(s) to highlight, or a dictionary of residue number to frequency count chain (str, list): Chain ID or IDs of which residues are a part of. If not provided, all chains in the mapped_chains attribute will be used. If that is also empty, and exception is raised. color (str): Color to highlight residues with unique_colors (bool): If each mutation should be colored uniquely (will override color argument) opacity_range (tuple): Min/max opacity values (residues that have higher frequency counts will be opaque) scale_range (tuple): Min/max size values (residues that have higher frequency counts will be bigger) """ # TODO: likely to move these functions to a separate nglview/utils folder since they are not coupled to the structure # TODO: add color by letter_annotations! if not chain: chain = self.mapped_chains if not chain: raise ValueError('Please input chain ID to display residue on') else: chain = ssbio.utils.force_list(chain) if isinstance(structure_resnums, dict): opacity_dict = ssbio.utils.scale_calculator(opacity_range[0], structure_resnums, rescale=opacity_range) scale_dict = ssbio.utils.scale_calculator(scale_range[0], structure_resnums, rescale=scale_range) else: opacity_dict = {x: max(opacity_range) for x in ssbio.utils.force_list(structure_resnums)} scale_dict = {x: max(scale_range) for x in ssbio.utils.force_list(structure_resnums)} if isinstance(structure_resnums, list): structure_resnums = list(set(structure_resnums)) elif isinstance(structure_resnums, dict): structure_resnums = list(structure_resnums.keys()) elif isinstance(structure_resnums, int): structure_resnums = ssbio.utils.force_list(structure_resnums) else: raise ValueError('Input must either be a list of residue numbers or a dictionary of residue numbers ' 'and their frequency.') colors = sns.color_palette("hls", len(structure_resnums)).as_hex() to_show_chains = '( ' for c in chain: to_show_chains += ':{} or'.format(c) to_show_chains = to_show_chains.strip(' or ') to_show_chains += ' )' for i, x in enumerate(structure_resnums): if isinstance(x, tuple): to_show_res = '( ' for mut in x: to_show_res += '{} or '.format(mut) to_show_res = to_show_res.strip(' or ') to_show_res += ' )' else: to_show_res = x'Selection: {} and not hydrogen and {}'.format(to_show_chains, to_show_res)) if unique_colors: view.add_ball_and_stick(selection='{} and not hydrogen and {}'.format(to_show_chains, to_show_res), color=colors[i], opacity=opacity_dict[x], scale=scale_dict[x]) else: view.add_ball_and_stick(selection='{} and not hydrogen and {}'.format(to_show_chains, to_show_res),
color=color, opacity=opacity_dict[x], scale=scale_dict[x]) def __json_decode__(self, **attrs): for k, v in attrs.items(): if k == 'chains': setattr(self, k, DictList(v)) else:
setattr(self, k, v)