Source code for


This module provides functions to predict thermostability parameters (specifically the free energy of unfolding dG)
    of an amino acid sequence.

These methods are adapted from:

    Oobatake, M., & Ooi, T. (1993). 'Hydration and heat stability effects on protein unfolding', 
        Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, 59/3: 237–84.
    Dill, K. A., Ghosh, K., & Schmit, J. D. (2011). 'Physical limits of cells and proteomes', 
        Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 
        108/44: 17876–82. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1114477108

For an example of usage of these parameters in a genome-scale model:

    Chen, K., Gao, Y., Mih, N., O'Brien, E., Yang, L., Palsson, B.O. (2017). 
        'Thermo-sensitivity of growth is determined by chaperone-mediated proteome re-allocation.',
        Submitted to PNAS.


__author__ = 'Ke Chen'
__email__ = ""

import math
import scipy.constants
import ssbio.protein.sequence.utils

# Oobatake dG constants
## dG and dCp from Table 8 in Oobatake paper.
## dG,dH in unit kcal/mol
## dCp,dS in unit cal/mol.Ks
oobatake_dictionary = {}
oobatake_dictionary['A'] = {'dG': -0.02, 'dCp': 14.22, 'dH': 0.51, 'dS': 1.82}
oobatake_dictionary['C'] = {'dG': 1.08, 'dCp': 9.41, 'dH': 5.21, 'dS': 13.85}
oobatake_dictionary['D'] = {'dG': -0.08, 'dCp': 2.73, 'dH': 0.18, 'dS': 0.86}
oobatake_dictionary['E'] = {'dG': -0.13, 'dCp': 3.17, 'dH': 0.05, 'dS': 0.65}
oobatake_dictionary['F'] = {'dG': 2.16, 'dCp': 39.06, 'dH': 6.82, 'dS': 15.64}
oobatake_dictionary['G'] = {'dG': 0.09, 'dCp': 4.88, 'dH': -0.23, 'dS': -1.07}
oobatake_dictionary['H'] = {'dG': 0.56, 'dCp': 20.05, 'dH': 0.79, 'dS': 0.75}
oobatake_dictionary['I'] = {'dG': -0.08, 'dCp': 41.98, 'dH': 0.19, 'dS': 0.89}
oobatake_dictionary['K'] = {'dG': -0.32, 'dCp': 17.68, 'dH': -1.45, 'dS': -3.78}
oobatake_dictionary['L'] = {'dG': -0.08, 'dCp': 38.26, 'dH': 0.17, 'dS': 0.81}
oobatake_dictionary['M'] = {'dG': 0.53, 'dCp': 31.67, 'dH': 2.89, 'dS': 7.93}
oobatake_dictionary['N'] = {'dG': -0.30, 'dCp': 3.91, 'dH': -2.03, 'dS': -5.83}
oobatake_dictionary['P'] = {'dG': -0.06, 'dCp': 23.69, 'dH': 0.02, 'dS': 0.30}
oobatake_dictionary['Q'] = {'dG': -0.23, 'dCp': 3.74, 'dH': -1.76, 'dS': -5.13}
oobatake_dictionary['R'] = {'dG': -0.71, 'dCp': 16.66, 'dH': -4.40, 'dS': -12.38}
oobatake_dictionary['S'] = {'dG': -0.40, 'dCp': 6.14, 'dH': -0.16, 'dS': 0.84}
oobatake_dictionary['T'] = {'dG': -0.24, 'dCp': 16.11, 'dH': 0.04, 'dS': 0.89}
oobatake_dictionary['V'] = {'dG': -0.06, 'dCp': 32.58, 'dH': 0.30, 'dS': 1.20}
oobatake_dictionary['W'] = {'dG': 1.78, 'dCp': 37.69, 'dH': 4.47, 'dS': 9.00}
oobatake_dictionary['Y'] = {'dG': 0.91, 'dCp': 30.54, 'dH': 3.73, 'dS': 9.46}
oobatake_dictionary['U'] = {'dG': 1.08, 'dCp': 9.41, 'dH': 5.21, 'dS': 13.85}  # assume U==C

def _sum_of_dCp(seq):
    dCp_sum = 0
    for aa in seq:
        dCp_sum += oobatake_dictionary[aa]['dCp']
    return dCp_sum

[docs]def calculate_oobatake_dH(seq, temp): """Get dH using Oobatake method in units cal/mol. Args: seq (str, Seq, SeqRecord): Amino acid sequence temp (float): Temperature in degrees C Returns: float: dH in units cal/mol """ seq = ssbio.protein.sequence.utils.cast_to_str(seq) dH = 0 temp += 273.15 T0 = 298.15 for aa in seq: H0 = oobatake_dictionary[aa]['dH'] * 1000 dH += H0
return dH + _sum_of_dCp(seq) * (temp - T0)
[docs]def calculate_oobatake_dS(seq, temp): """Get dS using Oobatake method in units cal/mol. Args: seq (str, Seq, SeqRecord): Amino acid sequence temp (float): Temperature in degrees C Returns: float: dS in units cal/mol """ seq = ssbio.protein.sequence.utils.cast_to_str(seq) dS = 0 temp += 273.15 T0 = 298.15 dCp_sum = _sum_of_dCp(seq) for aa in seq: S0 = oobatake_dictionary[aa]['dS'] dS += S0
return dS + dCp_sum * math.log(temp / T0)
[docs]def calculate_oobatake_dG(seq, temp): """Get free energy of unfolding (dG) using Oobatake method in units cal/mol. Args: seq (str, Seq, SeqRecord): Amino acid sequence temp (float): Temperature in degrees C Returns: float: Free energy of unfolding dG (J/mol) """ dH = calculate_oobatake_dH(seq, temp) dS = calculate_oobatake_dS(seq, temp) dG = dH - (temp + 273.15) * dS # 563.552 - a correction for N- and C-terminal group (approximated from 7 examples in the paper)
return dG - 563.552
[docs]def calculate_dill_dG(seq_len, temp): """Get free energy of unfolding (dG) using Dill method in units J/mol. Args: seq_len (int): Length of amino acid sequence temp (float): Temperature in degrees C Returns: float: Free energy of unfolding dG (J/mol) """ Th = 373.5 # This quantity affects the up-and-down of the dG vs temperature curve (dG values) Ts = 385 # This quantity affects the left-and-right temp += 273.15 dH = (4.0 * seq_len + 143) * 1000 dS = 13.27 * seq_len + 448 dCp = (0.049 * seq_len + 0.85) * 1000 dG = dH + dCp * (temp - Th) - temp * dS - temp * dCp * math.log(float(temp) / Ts)
return dG
[docs]def get_dG_at_T(seq, temp): """Predict dG at temperature T, using best predictions from Dill or Oobatake methods. Args: seq (str, Seq, SeqRecord): Amino acid sequence temp (float): Temperature in degrees C Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: dG (float) Free energy of unfolding dG (cal/mol) keq (float): Equilibrium constant Keq method (str): Method used to calculate """ # R (molar gas constant) in calories r_cal = scipy.constants.R / scipy.constants.calorie seq = ssbio.protein.sequence.utils.cast_to_str(seq) oobatake = {} for t in range(20, 51): oobatake[t] = calculate_oobatake_dG(seq, t) stable = [i for i in oobatake.values() if i > 0] if len(stable) == 0: # If oobatake dG < 0 for all tempertures [20,50], use Dill dG # and convert the number from J/mol to cal/mol dG = 0.238846 * calculate_dill_dG(len(seq), temp) method='Dill' else: dG = oobatake[temp] method='Oobatake' keq = math.exp(-1 * dG / (r_cal * (temp + 273.15)))
return dG, keq, method # TODO: clean up execution script to run on FASTA file(s) # if __name__ == '__main__': # from ssbio import utils # date = utils.Date() # p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run thermostability calculations on a FASTA file or a folder of FASTA files.') # p.add_argument('infile', help='FASTA file or directory of FASTA files.') # p.add_argument('--temp', '-t', default=37) # args = p.parse_args() # # prop_dir = 'properties' # if not op.exists(prop_dir): # os.mkdir(prop_dir) # # if len(args.infile) == 1 and op.isdir(args.infile[0]): # os.chdir(args.infile[0]) # files = glob.glob('*') # else: # files = args.infile # # results = [] # # for file in tqdm(files): # if op.isdir(file): # continue # # # load the sequence file, also the ID # seq_records = fasta.load_fasta_file(file) # seq_id = op.splitext(op.basename(file))[0] # # for seq_record in seq_records: # res = ts.get_dG_at_T(str(seq_record.seq), temp=args.temp) # result = {'id':seq_id, 'dg':res[0], 'keq':res[1], 'method':res[2]} # results.append(result) # # agg_df = pd.DataFrame(results) # agg_df.to_csv(op.join(prop_dir, '{}_thermo_results.csv'.format(date.short_date))) # print('Saved results in thermo_results.csv')