Source code for

import ssbio.utils
import os.path as op
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import itertools
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd

__author__ = "Anand Sastry"
__email__ = ""

[docs]def run_fatcat(structure_path_1, structure_path_2, fatcat_sh, outdir='', silent=False, print_cmd=False, force_rerun=False): """Run FATCAT on two PDB files, and return the path of the XML result file. Args: structure_path_1 (str): Path to PDB file structure_path_2 (str): Path to PDB file fatcat_sh (str): Path to "" executable script outdir (str): Path to where FATCAT XML output files will be saved silent (bool): If stdout should be silenced from showing up in Python console output print_cmd (bool): If command to run FATCAT should be printed to stdout force_rerun (bool): If FATCAT should be run even if XML output files already exist Returns: str: Path to XML output file """ filename1 = op.splitext(op.basename(structure_path_1))[0] filename2 = op.splitext(op.basename(structure_path_2))[0] if not op.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) outfile = op.join(outdir, filename1 + '__' + filename2 + '.xml') # Run FATCAT on the structures, print the XML of the result to stdout fatcat_cmd = '{} -file1 {} -file2 {} -outFile {}'.format(fatcat_sh, structure_path_1, structure_path_2, outfile) if print_cmd: print(fatcat_cmd) ssbio.utils.command_runner(fatcat_cmd, force_rerun_flag=force_rerun, outfile_checker=outfile, silent=silent)
return outfile
[docs]def run_fatcat_all_by_all(list_of_structure_paths, fatcat_sh, outdir='', silent=True, force_rerun=False): """Run FATCAT on all pairs of structures given a list of structures. Args: list_of_structure_paths (list): List of PDB file paths fatcat_sh (str): Path to "" executable script outdir (str): Path to where FATCAT XML output files will be saved silent (bool): If command to run FATCAT should be printed to stdout force_rerun (bool): If FATCAT should be run even if XML output files already exist Returns: Pandas DataFrame: TM-scores (similarity) between all structures """ structure_ids = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(list_of_structure_paths)} comps = itertools.combinations(list_of_structure_paths, 2) tm_score_matrix = np.eye(len(list_of_structure_paths)) for pdb1, pdb2 in tqdm(comps): fatcat_file = run_fatcat(pdb1, pdb2, fatcat_sh, outdir=outdir, silent=silent, force_rerun=force_rerun) tm_score_matrix[structure_ids[pdb1], structure_ids[pdb2]] = parse_fatcat(fatcat_file)['tm_score'] tm_score_matrix[structure_ids[pdb2], structure_ids[pdb1]] = parse_fatcat(fatcat_file)['tm_score'] # Convert to dataframe with filenames filenames = [op.splitext(op.basename(x))[0] for x in list_of_structure_paths] tm_score_matrix_annotated = pd.DataFrame(data=tm_score_matrix, columns=filenames, index=filenames)
return tm_score_matrix_annotated
[docs]def parse_fatcat(fatcat_xml): """Parse a FATCAT XML result file. Args: fatcat_xml (str): Path to FATCAT XML result file Returns: dict: Parsed information from the output Todo: - Only returning TM-score at the moment """ fatcat_results = {} # Parse output xml file with open(fatcat_xml, 'r') as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'lxml') # Find the tmScore of the alignment if soup.find('block'): fatcat_results['tm_score'] = float(soup.find('afpchain')['tmscore'])
return fatcat_results